Notes – Peter Henry, Secretary
Attendance as of 8:05 (Rep. Ortiz-Self had to leave)
Meeting called to order – 7:03
Land Acknowledgment – Chair, Joel Ware
Approve Agenda w/o objection
Announcements / Welcome guests
Welcome Rep. Ortiz-Self
Councilmember Riaz Khan (Mukilteo)
Judge Jeffrey Goodwin (South division of SnoCo court)
Judge Anthony Howard (Everett district court)
Judge Beth Fraser (South division of SnoCo court
Chris Eck (Lynnwood City Council candidate – didn’t win!)
David Chan (Fire commissioner)
Representative Lilian Ortiz-Self, guest speaker
Priority is COVID and its impacts.
We are trying to improve long-term care bill. Those who are about to retire. For every year you work you get 1/10 of the benefit (?) and it doesn’t take effect for another year.
Tweaking law enforcement bills (use of force etc.)
Schools – additional funding to allow schools to hire nurses / social workers etc. other support for students. Also to supply equipment (masks etc.)
Finding subs is also an issue.. 50% of subs did not come back.
Mental health for foster children
Dismantle diversity/equity barriers in community colleges; wraparound services
How can we put resources in families so we don’t remove children due to poverty?
30% of children who are removed are returned within 5 days
JW: Any call to action? For example, hearings for testifying
LOS: Leg. assistant will contact JW when issues come up. Some controversial hearings are coming up.
Asking for audit for gaps in services for farmworkers – how rules apply, safety, inconsistency of inspections etc. caused fatalities!
I hear “We’re tired of hearing about worker protections” … we stand by this – not just for farmworkers but others was well!
DC: Bullet proof equipment for firefighters? Also COVID is highest now in the county. By law we cannot discharge our patients until hospital ER accepts patient. Our unit is getting stuck.
PH: Can we fix SEBB for subs this session?
LOS: Currently some conversations with SEB Board; talk to some districts. Districts have some authority to pay. Districts say no, but its their choice. There is lots of money being distributed to districts … I may have to drop a bill next session.
PH: Get rid of unfunded mandate?
LOS: We’ve been giving districts money, they are choosing not to spend it on subs.
SH: HB for farmwarkers 1847?
LOS: Yes. I am on labor committee – standing up for labor, I’ve been a member of WEA for 20 years.
RK: What about longterm care bill?
LOS: Postponed till 2023. Some amendments to make it fairer and more equitable. Current law – you cannot own property. You have to sell everything you have to pay for it before state helps you. People should not have to sell their homes!
What’s happening with the district courts?
Judge Goodwin – Seeking endorsement.
We never closed during pandemic. We moved almost all dockets to Zoom. This makes it more accessible.
We figured how to keep trials going safely. So we don’t have a backlog of cases except for a few jury trials.
Judge Howard –
More therapeutic approach to criminal justice. Mental health judge – people who are charged participate in treatment / community service, get stable housing / employment. Probation is based on needs assessment. Traffic infractions – safety courses aiming at teens and at adults (?)
More informal ‘quality of life’ settings – contract to get charge dismissed, e.g. trespass, theft – usually tied to substance abuses.
Judge Fraser –
Therapeutic model is where it’s at!
DC: We have a shoplifting problem. Lack of time to do reporting. How do we deal with that?
Judge Howard – A lot of those things have been deprioritized by prosecutor’s office. Community court is an attractive option. In unincorporated SnoCo the choice is … therapeutic model or nothing. Deputy would respond, person gets court date within 1 week, negotiate responses to get case dismissed. Mostly substance-abuse related issues.
Cities are prosecuting those cases.
RK: Domestic violence? Outreach to inform people of resources?
Vacancy on South County Fire District, District 4 – David Chan
Lake Steckney area
2 meetings a month and 1 work session.
Review Minutes from November
Motion to approve, Sharon Holt, Second, Riaz Khan. Approved 11-0
Old Business
We are looking for a treasurer! Hopefully PDC-qualified, but training is available.
Contact Joel Ware if you are interested.
New Business
Officer Reports
Chair – Joel Ware. Our in-person party went well, nobody caught COVID.
Secretary – Peter Henry. No report.
Treasurer – Thom Jurewicz, sick.
State Committee Person #2 – Thom Garrard. State delegation process/affirmative action plan will be considered next meeting. LD caucuses scheduled for Sat. Mar. 26 at 10 AM. It will be a hybrid or entirely virtual meeting. To participate you must be a member of LD organization for 2022, 45 days in advance. If you are a PCO you are already a member. General members need to pay their dues by Feb. 9! Our delegate count isn’t known at this time. Delegates to attend state convention in Tacoma on June 25. 20% of a delegation can attend virtually, rest in person (required proof of vaccination and booster unless unable for health reasons).
Resolutions committee is reviewing past resolutions back to 2006. Old ones will be archived.
7 new resolutions brought forward. One was pulled.
Recognizing Chinook tribe – recommend Do Not Pass (other tribes say
Nuclear power tax deferment – recommend Do Not Pass
Kyle Rittenhouse – rewritten to focus on vigilantism in Wa. state.
Close loophole in Growth Management Act
Leaded aviation fuel (safety)
Reducing climate change impacts
Free global vaccine – passed by progressive caucus but rejected by state central committee. Real obstacle is WTO
State Committee Person #1 – Sharon Holt. Positive thoughts to people going through medical situations, including COVID – We will make it through.
Website has been updated! You can do donations/membership.
Meeting was deferred.
Today at 8 there was a public hearing about redistricting, SB 5560. It covers egregious errors. It requires report to be published 72 hours prior to deadline.
At noon a lawsuit was filed regarding violations of Voting Rights Act – disenfranchisement of Latino citizens – for example Yakima, Pasco were cut in half to dilute Latino representation.
SnoCo Committee Person – Ahamad Ceesay. Not able to attend county meeting.
Committee Reports
Issues and Education – No resolutions
Good of the Order
Get your home COVID test kits!
Article re: Yakima dilution of Latino votes.
Legislature is responsible for fixing it.
Adjourn by acclamation!