Meeting Agendas
Here are the agendas that are released before the general meetings
Meeting Minutes
These are a record of the actions taken at our general meetings
Older meeting minutes and agendas may be viewed by contacting the secretary.
Contact SecretaryProposed Documents
If there are any proposed resolutions, amendments, rules, or other documents being proposed for adoption at the next general meeting, they will be displayed below.
Adopted Resolutions
These resolutions are public statements made by the 21st Legislative District
Resolution recommending law enforcement policy regarding search/arrest warrants
February 17, 2021Resolution in support of raising homestead exemption
February 17, 2021Resolution for Safe Opening of Schools
February 17, 2021Recall Fortney Resolution
October 21, 2020Resolution to Protect the Integrity of the Election (TIP)
October 14, 2020Resolution in Support of R-90
July 26, 2020Resolution in Support of Black Lives Matter
June 17, 2020Resolution Call for Support to Condemn the Actions of Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney and Support the Effort of the Citizens’ Recall
May 20, 2020Call for Support to Condemn the Actions of Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney and Support the Effort of the Citizens’ Recall
May 20, 2020Bylaws Amended April 15, 2020 – Add Emergency Provision for Virtual Meetings
March 26, 2020Resolution Supporting VoteBuilder Equal Access to Democratic Candidates
March 16, 202021st LD Dems Code of Conduct Procedure – Amended 4/15/2020
March 11, 2020Oppose Crumb Rubber
May 2017
Calling on local school districts to discontinue and block the use of crumb rubber on playfields
ViewRick Larsen Support Medicare For All!
Betsy DeVos Resign!
Governing Documents
These are the rules that our district conducts itself by
Standing Rules
Special Rules & Policies
These rules supplement our parliamentary authority: Robert's Rules of Order