WSD38LD – 002 – 190828 – PASS – LAB – Civil Service Incentive
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Plea to Everett City Council to Reward Public and Community Service with Civil Service Test Point Awards and Hiring Incentives
WHEREAS Washington State law appropriately requires that government hiring processes through Civil Service award military veterans five additional points to their total hiring test scores, and further appropriately requires military veterans having served our country during times of combat are to be awarded ten additional points to their total hiring test scores;
WHEREAS government agencies can and do, under their own civil service rules and at their own discretion and authority, award additional points to hiring test scores for other qualifications, such as service in a police or firefighters reserve program;
WHEREAS public service to our country and our citizens is manifest in many other forms of national and local community service such as Peace Corps, Big Brothers-Big Sisters, and Boys and Girls Clubs of America, among others;
WHEREAS the Everett Police Department does not currently reflect the diversity within our community, and suffers from ongoing vacancies within the Police Department, and has had tremendous difficulty in filling those vacant positions;
WHEREASthose individuals that have served our country and our local communities through military service or other forms of national and community service have demonstrated through their deeds and services a noble and unselfish commitment to their fellow countrymen, and that it is just these diverse men and women with a heart for service that our police department and community need in law enforcement and that should be advantaged in the hiring process for community service;
WHEREAS hiring incentives are currently provided to existing police officers to help recruit individuals already working as police officers from other police agencies that are not from Everett and familiar with and part of the local community; and
WHEREAS it is to the benefit of our community to have law enforcement officers that are from our local community, that have a history of national and local service, and that reflect the diversity that exists in our community;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the 21st Legislative District Democrats urge Mayor Cassie Franklin and the members of the Everett City Council to develop additional civil service testing awards for extended and consistently honorable national and community service through respected organizations such as, but not exclusively, Peace Corps, Big Brothers- Big Sisters, and Boys and Girls Clubs, at a scale that appropriately honors, acknowledges and respects military and combat service, but that also provides advantage and recognition for these other avenues of service.
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all forms of service, be they military or other forms of national or local service, are of such importance that qualified individuals should also receive a financial employment incentive similar to that being provided to “lateral” police hires from other police agencies.
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the 21st Legislative District Democrats ask our elected officials and members of the civil service commission to act immediately to create these awards and incentives.
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Signed Printed Dated
Sharon Holt, Chair
21st Legislative District Democrats
Proposed: Greg Lineberry
Memorialized: Greg Lineberry, 38th LD Democrats Washington State Committeeman
Passed by 21st LD Democrats at regular meeting, October 16th, 2019, in Mukilteo, Washington.