21st LD Dems Resolution Supporting National Healthcare HR1384

HR 1384 Medicare for All Act 2019-2020

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For the 21st Legislative District Democrats to ask their member of US Congress and Senate to support and pass

HR 1384 Medicare for All Act 2019-2020

WHEREAS the proposed HR 1384 Medicare for All Act Proposes:

  • Over time ALL Americans will be allowed to buy-in to Medicare regardless of age.  All healthcare benefits are included and will provide universal healthcare coverage to all citizens.
  • Medicare will be given the right to negotiate drug prices and substantially lower prescription drug prices.
  • Remove all in-hospital fees including deductibles, co-payments, other fees and costs.
  • ●    Eliminate private insurance premiums and monthly billings. While transitioning private health insurance to a “non-primary” market (i.e. non-life threatening or plastic surgery)

WHEREAS this bill will provide a true path to universal coverage by providing high quality healthcare  coverage to all American citizens regardless of income, or employer.

WHEREAS the transition to a single-payer healthcare program as seen in all other industrialized nations (including Canada) can be accomplished in an efficient time frame.

WHEREAS American tax payers will save 2 trillion dollars over the course of 10 years with the elimination of healthcare administrative, marketing, and selling costs.

WHEREAS we will redistribute the wealth gained from Big Pharma and other healthcare provider corporations (who make billions in the American private “for-profit” healthcare system) to the American people through a more efficient tax-based system.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED       we the 21st District Democrats of Washington State support this bill and the notion that healthcare is an American right and not a privilege, and we call upon our Congressional Representatives and Senators to support and pass the Medicare for All Act 2019-2020.

___________________________             ____________________________           _____________

Signed                                                                  Printed                                                                 Dated

___________________, Chair

21st Legislative District Democratic Chair

Proposed:  Collin Richard Carlson


Passed by 21st  Legislative District Democrats at regular meeting  August ___________ in ____________, Washington, for submission to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee.

___________________    Submitted to the Washington State Democrats


Submitted by the undersigned Snohomish County Democrats PCOs and the general membership:

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Signed                                                                  Printed                                                                 Dated

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Signed                                                                  Printed                                                                 Dated


For the 21st Legislative District Democrats to ask their member of US Congress and Senate to support and pass

HR 1384 Medicare for All Act 2019-2020

WHEREAS the proposed HR 1384 Medicare for All Act Proposes:

  • Overtime ALL Americans will be allowed to buy-in to Medicare regardless of age.  All healthcare benefits are included and will provide universal healthcare coverage to all citizens.
  • Medicare will be given the right to negotiate drug prices and substantially lower prescription drug prices.
  • Remove all in-hospital fees including deductibles, co-payments, other fees and costs.

WHEREAS this bill will provide a true path to universal coverage by providing high quality healthcare  coverage to all American citizens regardless of income, or employer.

WHEREAS the transition to a single-payer healthcare program as seen in all other industrialized nations (including Canada) can be accomplished in an efficient time frame.

WHEREAS American tax payers will save 2 trillion dollars over the course of 10 years with the elimination of healthcare administrative, marketing, and selling costs.

WHEREAS we will redistribute the wealth gained from Big Pharma and other healthcare provider corporations (who make billions in the American private “for-profit” healthcare system) to the American people through a more efficient tax-based system.

WHEREAS we the Democrats of Snohomish County support this bill and the notion that healthcare is an American right and not a privilege, and call upon our Congressmen and Senators to support and pass the Medicare for All Act 2019-2020.

___________________________               ____________________________                    _____________

Signed                                                                Printed                                                               Dated

___________________, Chair

21st Legislative District Democratic Chair

Proposed:  Collin Richard Carlson


Passed by 21st  Legislative District Democrats at regular meeting  August ___________ in ____________, Washington, for submission to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee.

___________________    Submitted to the Washington State Democrats


Submitted by the undersigned Snohomish County Democrats PCOs and the general membership:

___________________________               ____________________________                    _____________

Signed                                                                Printed                                                               Dated

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