General Meeting 10/19/2022

Agenda 21st LD Dems General Meeting Oct 19, 2022 – 7PM

ALSO: See Supporting Items on the LD21 Web site:

7:00        Call to Order, Land Acknowledgement, Announcements
7:05        Introductions (Electeds / Candidates – one minute)
                with a Special Welcome to our new PCOs!
7:15        Special Speakers and Topics:
                GOTV:  Special by Melissa Plummer, Suzan DelBene campaign
       ISSUES: “Do Not SeaTac Mukilteo”, with
7:55        Special Reports: WSDCC Meeting, SnoCo Dems
8:00        Bio Break
8:05        Minutes, Officer Reports, Committee Reports
8:15        Old Business
8:15        New Business:  Resolutions, Committee Confirmations (TBD)
      Democracy At Risk
8:25        Good of the Order
8:35         Adjourn