Call for Support to Condemn the Actions of Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney and Support the Effort of the Citizens’ Recall
WHEREAS the Snohomish County Code provides the duties of the office of Sheriff;
WHEREAS Adam Fortney took an oath to enforce the laws and constitutions of the State of Washington and the United States and would “faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Snohomish County Sheriff for a 4-year term according to the law”;
WHEREAS Adam Fortney has publicly stated his refusal to uphold and enforce the constitutionally valid Stay Home, Stay Healthy Order issued by Gov. Jay Inslee in violation of his oath and duties to the citizens of Snohomish County;
WHEREAS the COVID-19 pandemic is an imminent threat to the public health and safety of the citizens of Snohomish County, that threat being mitigated by the Stay Home, Stay Healthy Order;
WHEREAS Adam Fortney has incited the citizens of Snohomish County to actively violate the Stay Home, Stay Healthy Order by way of his public statements;
WHEREAS Adam Fortney’s decision to reinstate Deputies Matt Boice and Evan Twedt, previously relieved of duty for their violations of individual constitutional rights and subsequent lying in an attempt to conceal their malfeasance indicates a lack of accountability within his administration; and
WHEREAS Adam Fortney’s decision to reinstate Deputy Arthur Wallin, previously terminated following an internal investigation into the shooting and killing of a 23-year-old Edmonds resident and $1,000,000 civil settlement paid by the County, further shows a lack of accountability within his adminstration;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the 21st Legislative District Democrats condemn the actions of Sheriff Adam Fortney and support the efforts for a Recall Petition and Election, as provided in the Snohomish County Charter, Washington Constitution, and Revised Code of Washington.
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 21st Legislative District Democrats call upon Sheriff Adam Fortney to resign from his position as Snohomish County Sheriff, effective immediately.
THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 21st Legislative District Democrats ask our elected officials to publicly condemn the aforementioned actions of Sheriff Adam Fortney and call for his resignation or recall.
___________________________ ____________________________ _____________
Signed Printed Dated
__________________, Chair
____ Legislative District Democrats
Proposed: _______________________
Memorialized: __________________________________________________
Passed by 21st LD Democrats at regular meeting, November 18, 2020, in Lynnwood, Washington, for submission to the Snohomish County Democrats (100519) and the Washington State Democratic Central Committee (092819).
___________________ Submitted to the Snohomish County Democrats
___________________ Submitted to the Washington State Democrats