General Meeting 9/15/2021

21Dems General Meeting Sept. 15, 2021

Notes – Peter Henry, Secretary.

Proposed agenda::


7:00         Call to Order, Land Acknowledgement, Announcements

7:10         Approve Agenda, Introduce Guests, Electeds and Candidates

7:15-7:55  Special Presentations: Senator Marko Liias; PCO Tuneup!

7:55         Minutes of Previous Meetings

8:00         Old Business

8:05         New Business

Officer Reports

Committee Reports / Ratification

8:20    BIO break until 8:25

8:25 New Endorsements

8:35    Issues and Education

Proposed Resolutions (TBD)

8:45         Good of the Order

9:00         Adjourn

Call to Order – 7:03

Land Acknowledgement – Jennifer Delia-Bereskin

Approval of Agenda – 

Under “New Business” – Add consideration of contributions to candidates

Adopted as modified w/o objection

Welcome elected officials, candidates and guests

Susan Paine, Edmonds City Council

Louis Harris, Mukilteo City Council

Jennifer Gregerson, Mayor of Mukilteo 

Scott Marshall, candidate for Port Commissioner of Edmonds

Alicia Crank, candidate for Edmonds City Council

Welcome new members Bailey Bressler and Brook Roberts

And guest Tom Freeman

Marco Liias is not present – he was double-booked and will join us on November 17.

PCO Tuneup with Emily Morrow, Field Coordinator for Washington State Democrats

Questions and discussion. Topics included voters purged from the rolls, distributing sample ballots and others.

Discussion about whether elections/endorsement committee has recommendations for distributing contributions – committee will meet soon and perhaps recommend to a special board meeting and special general meeting.

Would candidates prefer phonebanking? Doorbelling? This might be more useful.

Old Business

Minutes for August meeting aren’t available – Peter will find and post them

New Business

Elections and Endorsement Committee will meet to recommend priorities in distributing contributions


Chair, Joel Ware

1st Vice Chair – not present

2nd Vice Chair, Sue Nicholls

Secretary, Peter Henry

Treasurer – not present

1st State Committee Person, Sharon Holt. The redistricting committee is working on a proposed map. The 21st LD will have to shrink about 14000 voters because we have grown relative to other LDs.

2nd State Committee Person, Thom Garrard. Resolutions committee met. 

A version of resolution in favor of PRO Act (protecting the rights to organize) was considered and was well-received. 

Resolution re: reinterpretation of enforcement of anti-affirmative action initiative, I-200 (1998)

resulted in a governor’s directive for enforcement. : You can’t use race or gender to choose a less qualified candidate over a more qualified candidate. But it doesn’t prohibit use of race/gender if candidates are equal.

Breaching Snake River dams 

SnoCo Dems – Sue Nicholls, Thom Garrard (who attended as an alternate). Thanks to Jennifer D-B for her work on SnoCo Dems logo. Candidate forum at next general meeting, Oct. 17 at 1 pm. Virtual gala/cocktail party, Dec. 11, 6 pm.

Issues and Education – Peter Henry. Nothing to report.

Elections and Endorsements – Mindy Woods. 

Events and Fundraising – Sue Nicholls. Participated in parade, thanks to those who joined us. Louis, Sharon, Joel supported the parade with a contribution! Big turnout for the parade. Joel was in costume as Uncle Sam. Picnic had about 25 people. Thanks to those who sponsored it!

Good of the Order

Stay up to date with redistricting – contact Sharon Holt. They are looking for people to offer testimony.

Adrienne Fraley-Monilla needs help in her race for reelection to Edmonds City Council. Alicia Crank can use help as well. So can Scott Marshall.

Adjourn without objection