Meeting to order 4:08 pm
Chair brings room to order with some house keeping announcements
Motion for 1-minute limit on candidate speeches passes.
Chair introduces e-board members present
Flag Salute
Candidate Speeches:
- Edirin Okoloko Superior Court 7
- David Chan South County Fire Authority Dist. 4.
- Diane Buckshnis Edmonds City Council 4
- Paul Thompson Superior Court 14
- Louis Harris Sno Co Council 2
- Nancy Katins Edmonds School Dist. 5
- Jennifer Langbehn Superior Court 13
- Jennifer Gregerson Sno Co Council 2
- Cassandra Lopez-Shaw Superior Court 14
- Ezekiel Aranez Mukilteo Council 6
- Diana White Edmonds City Council 6
- Tyler Verda Sno Co Council 2
- Susan Paine Edmonds City Council 6
- Richard Emery Mukilteo Council 4
- Jenna Nand Edmonds City Council 4
Adam Cornell invited to speak in the middle of candidate speeches – endorses Superior Court candidates Edirin Okoloko and Paul Thompson - RosaMaria Graziani Lynnwood City Council 5
- Mike Nelson Edmonds Mayor
- Tina Over Mukilteo Council 7
- Anna Alexander Superior Court 7
- Brenda Stonecipher Everett City Council 6
- Cecilia Wilson Sno Co Council 2
- Stephanie Wright Sno Co Council 3
- Kristiana Johnson Edmonds Mayor
- Megan Dunn Sno Co Council 2
- Brian Sullivan County Treasurer
- David Simpson Everett Port Commissioner 1
5-Minute Recess
Endorsement Committee introduced – Clare Van Hollebeke, Neil Shafer-Ross, Niko Battle, Christine Awad Schmalz, Larry McIntosh
Short presentation on process by Neil and Clare:
“Here is how we determined each recommended Candidate: First we reviewed all of their Questionnaires. Then we interviewed the Candidates. Then the committee would meet to vote on our recommendations of Candidates for the Slate. Regarding our voting as a committee, we looked at Experience, Leadership, Workability or ability to Compromise and work with others to get things done and moving forward, Specific ideas they had, and Electability.
We only reached out to Democrats, but for Non-Partisan races, we looked at Candidates that we felt would align with the 21st the most.
As far as Judicial, this was not an area they could discuss, as that would be inappropriate.”
Slate presented (available here) – Motioned and seconded to adopt slate –
Motions to amend to pull the following races from the slate:
Joel Ware removed Edmonds City Council 4
Niko Battle removed Sno Co Council 2
David Chan removed Edmonds Mayor
David Chan wanted to remove South County Fire Dist. 4, but as there was no recommendation there was no need to pull it.
Unanimous vote to pass Slate as amended.
Motions now taken from the floor:
Motion to endorse Tina Over for Mukilteo Council 7 – seconded: Niko spoke in favor, question regarding debate – to argue against with the favor of another candidate – clarity from RRO says debate must speak to the question on the floor and not about others running in the race. Christine Smaltz spoke against, Jennifer Gregerson speak in favor – Vote 14 in favor, 2 against – motion passes
Motion to endorse Kristina Melnichenko Mukilteo Council 7 – seconded: Motion to table to next meeting – seconded – Sue Nichols debate for, Christine debate against – Vote 6 for, 10 against – motion fails. Motion to endorse Kristina moves forward – Niko speak against, Christine speaks for – Vote 8 for, 9 against – Motion fails.
Motion to endorse Diana White Edmonds City Council 6 – seconded Strom Peterson speaks for 2x, Susan Paine Speak against 2x – vote 4 for, 12 against – Motion Fails.
Motion to endorse Kristiana Johnson for Edmonds Mayor – seconded David Chan speak for 2x, Niko Battle speak against Strom Speak against – Motion to allow guest to speak in debate – Brian Sullivan – Motion Fails. Vote 1 for, 13 against – Motion Fails
Motion to endorse Mike Nelson for Edmonds Mayor – seconded Neil Shafer-Ross speak for – Vote 20 for – passes unanimously.
Motion to endorse Jenna Nand for Edmonds Council 4 – seconded – Niko speak for, none against – Vote 11 for, 8 against – Motion passes
Motion to endorse Diane Buckshnis Edmonds Council 4 Neil speaks for, none against Vote 15 for, 1 against – Motion passes.
Snohomish County Council 2 race – Motion for Weighted Rank Choice Vote – seconded Neil Speak for, Strom speak against, Niko speak for, Jennifer Gregerson against, Christine for, Louis Harris against. Vote 14 for, 5 against – Motion passes.
Motion to take top 3 candidates – seconded. Larry speak 4, Sue Nicholls speaks against, Christine for, Niko gives example of process – Motion to amend to 6 – seconded – Niko speak 4, Joel Ware speak against, Call the question 12 for, 5 against – motion passes. Vote on amendment – 6 for, 11 against call for division – confirm 6 for, 11 against. Motion fails. Vote for top 3, 10 for 8 against – motion passes.
Results of Weighted Rank Choice:
- Jennifer Gregerson 97
- Megan Dunn 76
- Louis Harris 74
- Tyler Verda 65
- Alex Lark 47
- Cecilia Wilson 40
- Sharita Burton 10
Jennifer, Megan and Louis receive endorsement.
Motion to reconsider the rank choice cut off from 3 to 4 – seconded. Niko speak against, Joel speak for, Shaun Olsen speaks against, Clare speaks for, Neil speaks against – needs 2/3s to pass. 6 for, 10 against – Motion Fails.
Motion to Endorse David Chan for South County Fire District 4 – seconded – Al Apodaca speak for 2x, Niko speaks against, Neil Speaks against – Motion to table to next meeting – seconded Larry speaks for Vote – 14 for, 2 against – Motion passes – tabled to next meeting.
Motion to Endorse Rory Graves Edmonds School Dist 3 – seconded – Move to table to next meeting – seconded Niko speaks for, Louis speaks against vote 12 for, 2 against – Motion passes to table to next meeting.
Motion to endorse David Simpson Port of Everett Commissioner 1 – seconded – Niko speak for, David Chan against, Christine for, Al against – vote 9 for, 3 against Motion Passes.
Adjourn 7:38 p.m.