November 2017 General Business Meeting
Meeting held November 29th, 2017
Mukilteo City Hall, Mukilteo WA
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
Scott Marshall requested the addition to the agenda of a resolution regarding Net Neutrality. The resolution was placed on the agenda. Motion to approve agenda. Motion passes.
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve October General Business Meeting minutes. Motion passes.
Officer’s Reports
The previous Secretary, Michelle Devillier, has resigned. Neil Shafer-Ross is the Acting Secretary. We will hold an election for a new Secretary on January 10th.
Website upgrade announced. Old site is still live.
The meeting went into Executive Session to discuss PDC updates.
The Chair proposed that we cancel the December meeting due to conflicts with the Holidays, and suggested we hold a separate training session instead. After an open discussion, a motion was made to move the December meeting to January 10th.
Motion to move the December General Business meeting to January 10th. Motion passes.
The chair asks members to please work with the E-board and fellow members as a team. If members have concerns, they are invited to bring those concerns to the E-board, who will address them as best as possible.
The Treasurer read the organization’s current financial balances, and answered questions from the membership.
State Committeeman
The State committee is concerned with Glen Morgan PDC complaints, which is a state-wide problem.
State Committeewoman
The State Committeewoman reminded members that E-board members can be reached easily by way of email, and invites members to send questions whenever they come up. All interested 21st LD members are invited to attend the upcoming State Committee Conference, which will be in Bellingham, January 27 & 28, 2018.
Technology Committee
A more seamless process is being developed to manage the website Calendar and Events sections.
New Business
Holiday party at Sully’s has been suggested. Possible dates: Mon Dec 11 or Wed Dec 13. By informal vote, we decided on Dec 13th, 6:30 – 9:00.
PCO Recruitment:
Al Apodaca is taking on the unofficial role of PCO Coordinator. Sharon and Al have been working on PCO recruitment. Asking for more PCOs, because our district has a low level of PCO involvement, 57 out of 134 precincts. Sharon and Al are offering to start training PCOs in Votebuilder and Minivan.
A member suggests PCO nametags, and business cards. The E-board will investigate the costs.
A member asked Shaun about his successful campaign for School Board. No money was raised or spent during that campaign; and no formal events to talk to constituents were held. There were informal discussions with voters, and word of mouth to spread information about his campaign. His swearing in will be on December 11th, at 6:00 PM, at the Mukilteo School District building: 9401 Sharon Dr, Everett, WA 98204.
New Website:
The new website was reviewed with the membership, including new features and a member suggested adding a map of the LD and precincts to the website.
If members have concerns or comments about the new website, they were invited to contact the Technology Committee. Micah will double check that is properly sending email to Technology Committee members.
Resolution regarding Net Neutrality introduced: “Resolution Urging Members of the United States Congress to Protect Net Neutrality, Call for the Resignation of Ajit Pai, and Support the Verizon Protests.” Resolution passed unanimously.
Good of the order
Proposed new fundraiser:
A member suggests that members may contribute special skills to the organization, to offer those skills for auction to raise funds. This could be done every month at the business meetings, rather than a single special event. This idea will be discussed further at a later date.
Lillian, Strom, and Marco held a fundraiser at the Scratch Distillery, to launch their re-election campaigns.
Chad Byers thanked those who supported his campaign.
Ahamad Ceesay speaks about upcoming legislation restricting money from WA State politics. Asks members to contact legislators to ask them to continue their support. Chair suggests drafting a resolution for the next meeting.
A member and Edmonds City Council member suggests recruiting more PCOs and general members, and also to promote the use of Vote Builder for campaigning and for getting out the vote.
Scott Marshall suggests that we could start offering food to members, in exchange for a donation to raise funds. Reminds members of the December 7th Verizon protest.
Niko informs members of upcoming event to support “De-escalate Washington.” December 5th, at Everett UCC (United Church of Christ). Flyer to be posted to Facebook. 2624 Rockefeller, Everett. 2:30 – 6:30 PM.
Motion to Adjourn
Motion passes. Meeting adjourned at 9:39.