21st LD report – County Committee
Mostly Reminders –
For endorsed candidates who would like the county to share their events they can email them to secretary@snocodems.org
The Blue Wave Gala event – Sept 29th @ the Everett Yacht Club with Key note speaker Bob Ferguson. If you want to contribute to the wine pull, silent auction, and or dessert dash, please contact Diana McGinnis at chair@44thdems.org
The county is also considering live streaming of meetings. They have asked us to get the opinion of each LD. If you want to submit your concerns or support, please write those thoughts down and turn them in to me.
The county is wanting to form their bylaws committee for the upcoming reorg if you are interested in working on our bylaws then your presence is requested at the county level.
The SCDCC pushed the board meeting to next Tuesday, so a follow up report will get posted on the website after we meet.
Notable election results around the county in case you hadn’t been following the results:
CD2 Rep is being hand recounted due to the tight race results – as it stands Collin Carlson would face Rick in the General.
1st LD State Rep races, both Democrats look good to win the general – Derek Stanford (Pos. 1) and Shelly Kloba (Pos. 2)
Looks like both the 10th LD Democrats running for State Rep could use some help to take out the Republicans in those races.
Democrats in the 32nd look good to win in the general – Maralyn Chase (Sen.), Cindy Ryu (Pos. 1) and Lauren Davis (Pos 2.)
The 39th has a bit of a fight on their hands, but it looks promising – Claus Joens (Sen.)
Has a fight as the republicans split the vote in the primary with a combined number that can beat the democrats so Claus will need help. Same scenario for Ivan Lewis (Pos. 1) but he might have a better chance. Eric Havlorson (Pos 2.) is definitely going to need some help.
44th LD State Senate and Rep races look good to win in the general too. Steve Hobbs (Sen.), John Lovick (Pos. 1) and Jared Mead (Pos. 2)
Liz Vogeli Everett City Council – endorsed by the County will move on to the General.