General Meeting 03/16/2022

Agenda 21st LD Dems General Meeting March 16, 2022 – 7PM
You must register for the meeting (just sign-in to the Zoom account you already have, or create one, so ZOOM knows who you are):  
Register here:  
After you register, you will receive a confirmation email containing your specific instructions to join the meeting. 

ALSO: See Supporting Items on the LD21 Web site:

7:00         Call to Order, Land Acknowledgement, Announcements
7:05        Announcements and Introductions (Electeds / Candidates – one minute)
                with a Special Welcome to our newly redistricted PCOs!
7:10        Election of CCP1 – replacing Heather Damron
7:20        Special Presentations:
                1. Healthcare for All Initiative –
      2. Overview of LD Caucus and State Convention Process
7:50        Minutes, Officer Reports, Committee Reports
8:00        Bio Break
8:05        Old Business
8:15        New Business: Resolutions (TBD)
8:20        Good of the Order
8:30         Adjourn