Hello Everyone!
We have a new chapter starting in the 21st LD Democrats; together we will build an awesome volunteer team and a diverse Democratic bench supporting our new progressive platform. We need YOUR help to become the best, most productive local 21st Legislative District ever, electing effective Democratic leaders ‘in every race’. Working together will benefit our communities right now, and in years to come. Let’s get going!
Please Email Chair@21dems.org to let us know which committee(s) you want to be on.
We have six Standing Committees –
*Diversity and Membership*
*Fundraising and Events*
*Endorsements and Elections*
*Issues and Education*
We have been working hard to set ourselves up for success. In January, we adopted revised ByLaws and a new Code of Conduct, and passed a Resolution for Healthcare. In February, we have structured new committees, budget, plans, and will be launching more activities and events soon.
Looking forward to seeing you all at the next 21st LD Democrats General Business Meeting on Feb 20, 7pm at Mukilteo City Hall. Join us an hour early at 6pm for social hour, open mic, and light snacks.
Warm Regards,
Sharon HolT
425 478-2418