County Committee Report January 2020

Snohomish County Democratic Party had a well attended General Meeting on Jan 25th. We were visited by Rick Larsen. We were also introduced to the candidate running against Kim Wyman for Secretary of State. Her name is Gail Tarlton.

The bulk of this meeting was going over rewritten by-laws which were passed in it’s entirety with few amendments. We also approved a special rule regarding rules of debate and endorsements. Standing rules were tabled till the next General Meeting slated for April 11th (this is tentative).

The county convention is May 3rd at the SnoCo PUD Building. Volunteers are now being asked to sign up. They have the room booked from 8a – 4p. The 10th LD and the 39th LD will also be caucusing at this time. Only elected delegates from the LD caucuses will be allowed to vote at the convention. Committees have now been formed for Rules, Platform, and Credentials. If you would like to participate in any of these committees, please reach out to me,

This year the county will be investing funds into new credential lanyards and A/V equipment.

Resolutions passed at this meeting were as follows:

Resolution to support the school bond for Everett Schools – Passed; Resolution supporting the articles of impeachment against the President of the U.S.A. – Passed; Resolution opposing the war with Iran – Passed; Resolution asking the county to sign The Young Turks progressive pledge – Passed.