21st LD Dems August 2019 General Business Meeting
Welcome Everyone!
Please join us for some fun, food, and Democratic business at our regular 21st LD Dems monthly general meeting.
11815 Mukilteo Speedway
Mukilteo, WA 98275
(425) 353-1700
This will be an informative meeting. Here are a few key highlights –
- Renowned guest speaker, Strom Peterson, our very own 21st LD Rep, will share news on Gun Control, and updates on other topics meaningful to 21st folks.
- Nomination/Election of Secretary (Neil Shafer Ross, our 21st LD Secretary for nearly 3 years, is stepping down, so we need a Secretary replacement on the 21st Executive Board)
See more details on the Agenda here – Link to the August Agenda
Hope to see you there!
Sharon Holt
425 478-2418