21st LD Dems – May 17 Endorsements Meeting
SAVE THE DATE – May 17th Sunday
This is one of the most energizing meetings of the year – Plan to attend!
At this meeting, all the candidates that have requested our endorsement will be voted on, after hearing from both the Candidates themselves, and the recommendations provided by our 21st LD Endorsement & Election Committee.
Date – May 17th
Time – 12:00- 3:00, or longer if large number of candidates participate.
Location – This will be a virtual ZOOM Meeting, using your phone or computer
To JOIN the meeting, see below
- Welcome
- Zoom Info (See below)
- Committee Process Summary
- Rules for Endorsement
- Candidate Slate Recommendations for Endorsement
- Endorsements from the floor
- Good of the Order
- Adjourn
Contacts –
Sharon Holt
Zoom Info
Topic: LD21 Dems May 17th Endorsements Meeting
Time: May 17, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting – Click the link below
Meeting ID: 834 3840 0361
Password: 000127
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,83438400361#,,1#,000127# US (Tacoma)Committee Process Summary