Let’s Lose Some Weight and Raise Some Money for Liz!
Katie Evans has been helping people lose weight all over the country for over 32 years. Join Katie and Liz Vogeli as we “lose weight to raise money.”
All ticket sales will go to the Vote for Vogeli campaign for Everett City Council to help our friend Liz make sure a fresh voice is heard on City Council.
This 3-hour Express Weight Loss Class with Hypnosis will show you how to:
Want to eat less;
Want to eat healthier;
Be motivated to move your body more and
Feel your feelings instead of eating them.
It’s fun, educational and may just change your relationship with food for good.
Just go to www.livinglitenow.com for details on the class
This class retails for $97 and you can attend for just $65! Or bring a friend because it’s only 2 for $97!
Tickets will sell out fast, so register and get your tickets here: