
May 15 General Business Meeting

May 15, 2019 AGENDA

Save the date!  We will be sending out the call to meeting  closer to the date, with updates to this proposed agenda, if needed.

Link to Agenda Document

Welcome Everyone!

Location – Mukilteo City Hall 1930 Cyrus Way Mukilteo, WA 98275

6PM Potluck (optional), Social Hour


  1. 7PM Meeting Call to order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approve LD Apr 17th  Minutes
  4. Approve LD May 15th Agenda
  5. Guests – Speaker(s)
    1. Marko Liias, Senator, 21st LD
  6. Treasurer’s Report
  7. Officers Reports
  8. Committee Reports
  9. New Business
  10. Old Business
  11. PCO Training
  12. Good of the Order
  13. Adjourn

ATTACHMENTS None at this time


May 15 2019


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Mukilteo City Hall
11930 Cyrus Way, Mukilteo, WA 98275
QR Code