
October 21st LD General Business Meeting 10/21/20 7-9pm

Rick Larsen, CD2, Cassie Franklin, Mayor of Everett, and Sarah Shaklan, WA State Coordinated Campaign 21st LD Field Director are our Special Guests. 

Focus of the Oct. 21st meeting is ELECTION & GOTV!

The Agenda and ZOOM information is posted below and on the document page of our website.

Topic: 21st LD Dems October 21st General Business Meeting

When: Oct 21, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


You are invited to a Zoom meeting by Sharon Holt, Chair, 21st LD Dems

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



  1. Rick Larsen, CD 2 Click Here
    Rick will share an update on what is happening here in CD2, and the other WA,
  2. Cassie Franklin, Mayor of Everett Click Here
    The Mayor will give us an update on the Everett City area, concerning current Covid conditions (infection rate, trends, schools, etc.) and enlighten us on what’s happening in their city, (any new plans for future growth, projects, budgets or other council business), as well as share any news about elections as it relates to their area (any HOT races that need our support?)


  1. Sarah Shaklan, Washington State Dems, Coordinated Campaign, 21st LD Field Director.
    Sarah is our energetic field director this election cycle, helping us Phone Bank and support our candidates. She will introduce herself, and tell you how she helps be most efficient at our GOTV efforts.  You don’t want to miss this!
    NOTE – Sarah can make your Precinct Call list, on request.  <>

This is a great opportunity to hear from our elected leaders about what is happening in key areas of the 21st LD.  Please bring your questions.

The meeting will open approximately 30 minutes prior to 7pm, to allow for Zoom registration, membership credentials, and social time. 

During the actual meeting, please remain muted unless you have been recognized by the chair to speak.

  1. 7PM Meeting Call to order
  2. Pledge of allegiance
  3. Approve the agenda
  4. Chair Announcements
    Please see ZOOM instructions on last page
  5. Welcome to New Members and PCOs
  6. 7:15 Guest Speakers (each will have about 15 minutes to share with us)
    1. Rick Larsen (7:15)
    2. Cassie Franklin (7:30)
    3. Sarah Shaklan (7:45)
  7. Treasurer’s Report
  8. Officers Reports – See the website for posting of Reports
    1. Chair – Sharon Holt
    2. 1VC – Al Apodaca
    3. 2VC – Peter Henry
    4. Secretary – Stephanie Sanders
    5. Treasurer – David Chan
    6. State Committee Rep. – Shaun Olsen
    7. State Committee Rep. – Simone Gomez
    8. County Rep. – Rose Andrews
    9. County Rep. – Joel Ware IV
    10. Sgt. At Arms – Ahamad Ceesay
    11. Young Dems Liaison – Denisa Ruxandar
  9. Committee Reports – See the website for posting of Reports
    1. Diversity/Membership – Darla Varrenti, Al Apodaca
    2. Fundraising & Events – Sue Nicholls
    3. Endorsement & Elections – Clare VanHollebeke
    4. Issues & Education – Peter Henry
    5. Rules – Joel Ware
    6. Technology – Micah Rowland
  10. New Business
    1. MailChimp Upgrade – monthly subscription for email distribution @ $16.56.
    2. Biden/Harris 2020 – Fundraiser wraps up – Contact Sue Nicholls
    3. Bylaws & Special Rules – DRAFT Review Fall kickoff – Contact Joel Ware –
    4. Officer Attendance Notification  (this item was POSTPONED from our Sept 16 LD meeting).
    5. New Officer nominations – Prep for Next Term and Reorg Plans Dec 5th.
    6. Resolution – Post 2020 Presidential Election Issues – DRAFT (see link below).
  11. Old Business
    1. $3,000 contributed to Candidate Campaigns – Completed
  12. Good of the Order
  13. Adjourn

This Resolution is a DRAFT, so please bear in mind that it may be tweaked a bit before it is presented for review at our meeting date on Oct 21. NOTE – All Proposed resolution documents are also posted on website.
Questions or Suggestions?  Contact Peter Henry:

  1. Instructions for Virtual meetings –
    1. The host of the meeting is Sharon Holt, Chair (425 478-2418)
    2. The Co-Hosts of the meeting are Al Apodaca (832) 771-4747, Darla Varrenti (425) 891-0578, and Peter Henry (206) 618-1639 – Please contact for Zoom assistance during the meeting.
    3. Attendees can join the meeting simply by clicking the link.
    4. Everyone’s microphone will start off on UNMUTE.
    5. Everyone’s video will start ON, but you can turn it off to be off camera;
      Note – ‘video on’ is preferred, to enhance identification of who is speaking.
    6. The Host can see the names of all Participants that are attending.
    7. Attendees will display their FULL NAME and membership ROLE or officer title (examples – ‘Jane Doe, PCO’, ‘Joe Smith, General Member,’ Chair, Guest, etc.). The membership committee will assist members to ‘Rename’ & admit to meeting.
    8. Attendees can raise their Virtual ‘HAND’ to request to speak (located in the PARTICIPANT window)
    9. The Host can UNMUTE an Attendee so that they can speak, and members can also unmute themselves, too.
    10. The Host may MUTE ALL in order to bring order during disruption (similar to gaveling to bring meeting to order)
    11. Members of the meeting are encouraged to open the Zoom application on Phone or PC, in order to use the helpful meeting tools such as the Chat and Participant windows. Using only the phone audio is possible, but not recommended, since the tools are visual.
    12. Everyone can Chat, to type questions and topic relevant comments to Host at any time during the presentation, as long as the pasted information is pertinent to the meeting business at hand (not personal interests which distract from the meeting).
    13. The Host will answer chat questions as time allows, or at end.
    14. Voting methods may include one or more of the following, depending on the situation:
      1. Yes & No voting buttons (located in PARTICIPANT window)
      2. Type Yes or No in the Chat response window
      3. Roll Call – verbal – Each Name called, and audio response
  1. Respond to a POLL; the Chair may send an impromptu poll to the attendees during the meeting, in which case a pop up window may become visible, which asks a question(s) to which the attendee may answer by clicking response buttons.

These are just the basics of using ZOOM. Google to learn more, or feel free to contact the Chair or any Executive Board member for help.


Oct 21 2020


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Zoom Meeting


Sharon Holt
Sharon Holt
QR Code