April 3rd – Continuation March 20 General LD Meeting
PLEASE NOTE – THERE IS NO MEETING MARCH 28th, Sorry for any confusion (this previously posted date did not work out),
The March 20 LD General Meeting Agenda will be completed April 3rd, at the Edmonds Center for the Arts, South Classroom, per the motion passed on March 20.
We will continue where we left off, in the middle of New Business.
*Highlights* We will follow up/wrap up on the Caucus / Primary presentation, addressing some of the questions we didn’t get to, and providing time for both Primary and Caucus to provide information to you, as well as another LD21 ‘straw poll’. Updates on proposed documents, as well as reports from the Officers and Committees, and everyone’s favorite – Good of the Order
April 3, 7-9pm
Edmonds Center for the Arts
410 Fourth Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020
Here is a link to the Edmonds Center for the Arts which provides more information about this venue
Thank you for your participation,
Sharon Holt
425 478-2418