First Vice Chair, PCO Coord., Membership Reports Nov 2020

First Vice Chair

  1. Working on 1VC documentation and responsibilities to be able to transition workload to the incoming 1VC, whoever is elected to the position.
  2. Assisted Chair in reviewing documentation that will be used for the December reorganization meeting.
  3. Reviewed bank account activity with Treasurer and submitted required C3 and C4 reports on timely basis.

PCO Coordinator

  1. Have contacted all members to remind them to complete the PCO Survey issued by WA State Democrats. All LDs that reach 85% PCO participation will receive $1,000.
  2. Attended Votebuilder database training that was presented by WA State Field Coordinator.


  1. Have 96 members in the organization.
  2. Am preparing membership information to pass along to the incoming Membership Chair.