First Vice Chair, PCO Coord., Membership Reports October 2019

First Vice Chair

  1. Sent reminder to all members and PCOs to attend the October 16 general meeting at Mukilteo City Hall
  2. Asked PCOs and members to volunteer with our endorsed candidates to canvass and phone bank for their campaigns
  3. Invited all members to participate in the Political Trivia Contest party taking place at Sully’s Pizza on October 24

PCO Coordinator

  1. Provided Votebuilder training to two PCOs
  2. No canvassing or phone banking reported for the month of September.
  3. Currently have 53 PCOs in place
  4. Reminded PCOs to use the Slim Jim document that was sent to them for canvassing their precinct voters


  1. Have 86 members in the organization -consisting of 52 PCOs, 30 general members, 4 auxiliary members
  2. No new members so far in the month of September
  3. Populated the committee Action Items Tracker to guide our progress
  4. Second request for members to offer their foreign language skills to help recruit new members who may join if they are able to better communicate with current members
  5. Second request to all members to invite a new person to the general meetings each month