21Dems General Meeting Jan. 20, 2021
Notes – Peter Henry, Secretary
Call to Order (I was not present)
Agenda approved by consensus (no objections)
Instructions for Zoom Meetings presented
Active Bystander Training – Snohomish Equity, Tabitha Baty, President
How do we dismantle racism?
-Understand “bystander effect”
-Learn basics
-Feel empowered by working through scenarios
Sometimes there are overt blatant racist acts.
Eg – Racial epithets, violence, painting swastikas, “It’s OK to be white” stickers, pulling off someone’s hijab
Sometimes they are subtle micro-agressions
Eg – Someone choosing not to sit next to someone else due to their color; “You’re a credit to your race” or “I know what it’s like to you, being black”
Impact of even an unintentional microagression needs to be lifted up, over the intent.
65% of reported harassment cases, a bystander was present. The more bystanders present, the LESS LIKELY someone gets involved! (the bystander effect)
Why do people not get involved? Self doubts, fear.
Why do people get involved? Immediate reaction, “If not me, who?”
The 4 Ds. Specific situation generates the response
Direct – Immediate response to protect the target. For example, directly address microagression, “What did you mean by that?” or “I’ve learned that …” or “That’s not OK”
To address direct aggression, confront. Can put your body between aggressor and target. Can focus on the target, “Are you ok?” etc.
Distract – Create a diversion to distract the harasser. Eg. “Accidentally” spill your drink, ask for the bathroom, pretend you know one of them…
Delegate – You see something wrong but you don’t have the capacity to address it. For example, turn to a manager, supervisor, teacher, … Police? Maybe … maybe not. Some people might not want security or police engaged. Need to check in with target to make sure you’re not doing something they don’t want done.
Delay – Doesn’t necessarily interrupt harassment but let target know they are not alone. If you can’t immediately intervene or if target doesn’t want you to intervene. “Do you want me to stay here?”
Hanging around and pull out your cellphone.
All these things are things we can do w/o advanced training!
“Tabletop” simulations:
1. In grocery store:
Woman berating another woman
“Be careful with your &&&& cart” or “Go back to your country”
That would be overt.
How to interact?
First, check in with the target – “I’m here if you need something”
White people can be perceived as “saviors” – don’t want to “take over the drama”
2. Training at work
Participants introducing themselves
“Your name is too hard to pronounce. Do you have an English name?”
That would be microagression
“Could you pronounce your name so I could say it correctly?” – A direct response
3. At local Dollar Tree.
Manager accuses Black patron of theft, person says they are innocent, police show up.
That’s pretty overt. Maybe some of each.
It actually happened in Snohomish. Teen ended up getting trespassed out of the store.
Ask, “Do you need some help, do you need me to call someone?”
Maybe delay, hang out, sit here and wait.
Pledge to be an “upstander”
“In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends” – MLK
Do you distinguish between people who make a mistake
E.g. Are you Japanese or Korean or Chinese? I can’t tell.
(Nobody goes up to a white person and ask, “Are you German? Are you French?”)
Comeback – What’s your heritage?
I’m white
But what’s your ethnic background?
I don’t know, I’m mixed …
Just get them thinking
I live in Mukilteo, I was walking … came across a couple of gangs, maybe HS or out of HS just hanging out. A car came up, a bunch of kids came out, picked kid up and threw him in the car to the cement.
I called 911, kids piled back into the car and drove off. Waited with kid till police came.
Story about Riyaz Kahn running for City Council, Peter Z, a racist Trump supporter, accusing Riyaz of bringing in extra people. Two people walked Peter Z out, told him they would call police. Nobody else helped out, they were in shock..
Don’t use term “hyphenated American” rather “I’m American with an Asian heritage”
First “Asian American” elected – No No No – Makes Americans with Asian heritage standing out, a lower level than “regular” citizens.
Sunday – Viewing and conversation: “Black Girl in Suburbia” – see the Facebook page for a Zoom link
Colin McMahon – Recall Fortney!!!
7 weeks left to gather signatures
Phone calls, canvassing, will start texting
We need 44,494 signatures certified! Goal is 60,000 to get a buffer.
Everett Herald has written great article about this
Large print versions of the petition are available
Are there still 2 recall efforts going on?
No. The first one’s deadline has expired, they didn’t turn in petitions in time.
The good (current) petition has 3 charges against him, the bad (expired) petition has only 1.
Sign-waving Saturday 1/21 from 1 to 3 PM
148th Street and Hwy 99
Old Business
Reorg meeting notes –
Motion to post notes on the website for member viewing, together with vote count corrections. To be reviewed by body in February
Motion by xxx, second by David Chan
No opposition (passed)
New Business
Officer introductions
Joel Ware, Chair
Micah Rowland – First Vice Chair
Simone – Second Vice Chair. No longer present (due to connectivity issues)
Peter Henry – Secretary
Treasurer, not present (ill)
Sharon Holt – First State Committee Person
Tom Garrard – Second State Committee Person
Ahamad Ceesay – First County Committee Person, not present (in DC as part of National Guard duties)
Heather Damron – Second County Committee Person
We need people for committees! If you are interested in volunteering, look at 21dems.org and join up!
Joel Ware will put link to powerpoint about HB 1156, which is about “Local Option” for ranked choice voting.
Good of the Order
Sharon – Patty Murray is now #3 in the Senate and will be chair of HELP committee (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions) and has a fundraiser event on Sunday. Rick Larsen, our 21st District reps will be at Patty Murray’s fundraiser at 3:30. Contact Sharon Holt for info.
Clare – Thank Colin McMahon for all the work he’s done for the 21st District! Outstanding! He is moving to the 32nd District.
Al Apodaca – Please pay your membership dues for the year, through the website!
Complaint – Website doesn’t register??
Please contact Al if this doesn’t work
Does anybody know anything about an email / phone call from Willie Russell threatening legal action?
This is harassment. Don’t respond and save the email. Recommend — don’t engage.
It may not be possible to block the phone number
Motion to adjourn, seconded. Approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45