General Meeting 10/21/20

Meeting call to order 7:02PM

Our organization has grown and gone over the 100 mark. 

Pledge of Allegiance. 

Agenda was reviewed and approved. 

Guest Speakers:

Rick Larsen:

RIck’s campaign has been going well. He has been making sure that people have gotten their ballots and are getting them out. Snohomish county is doing very well at voter turnout. We are really working on the Biden/Harris campaign. The most aggressive voter protection campaign ever seen. We are more prepared than we ever have been. 

Cassie Franklin Mayor of Everett:

There has been an increase in Covid cases in Everett and Snohomish county. Although there have been budget issues with the economy, the city of Everett has been working on police retraining programs and social workers. 

Sarah Shaklan: 

Doing a lot of phone banking to make sure people are voting as early as possible. Encouraging everyone to phone bank. If you have any questions or want to get a list of people in your precinct reach out to Sarah at

Officer’s/ Committee Reports: 

Treasurer’s report:

Total: $4889.76, this is after we donated $3000 to our candidates campaign. The sign waving and selling of Biden/Harris signs has been going well. 

Chair: Getting ready for Reorg.

1st Vice Chair:

Biden/Harris Signs came in and collected over $1000 for the signs. Reminding everyone to phone bank and sign wave. 

County: Met on 9/22/20, 10/3/20 and 10/12/20. Go to to mail in the petition to recall sheriff Fourtney. We will be having a DigiGala on election night. Will be reorganizing soon. Will be forming a redistricting committee. The county dispersed a total of $8000 among 4 candidates. Passed an austerity resolution. 


Still selling signs. 


Will be looking at the bylaws and is currently taking in feedback. 

New Business:

The snoco dems are looking for each LD to sponsor the Digigala. Looking for $500 from each. Motion to provide $500 from our LD to the Digigala fails

Motion to authorize the paid mail chimp of $14.99 per month passes

Al will no longer be in the 21st district as he has moved. 

Motion to adopt the resolution to protect the integrity of the election (TIP) motion passes. 

Old Business:

Appropriated monies were sent to our endorsed candidates. 

Attendance issue was put on the floor to let the body know that there was an issue with Eboard Officer’s  attendance. No motion to take action.  

Motion to have the Reorg meeting on Dec. 5th passed 

Good of the Order. 

Meeting adjourned 9:26pm