Meeting Call to order: 7:01pm
No new members this month.
Will not approve meeting minutes until we meet in person.
Agenda Approved
Guest Speakers:
Pramila Jayapal:
Thanked everyone for what we have done. We have already lost 26,000 American Lives. Fortunate to live in a state where the officials took this seriously. This pandemic has highlighted the problems in our system. We are close to depression levels of unemployment. As people lose their jobs, they lose their benefits. Federal paycheck guarantee act endorsed by unions. This would be expanding on PPP This would be a grant program that allows businesses to keep their people employed. Even with the bill passed, people will still be unemployed and without healthcare. She still supports medicare for all. Low income people who cannot isolate are affected. In order to be successful to get through this we will need to be able to ramp up the testing.
Judge Linda Coburn:
Running for court of Appeals she is running for an open position. Right below the supreme court. Has worked for every level of court. Has worked in the court of appeals before. Very active across the state on judicial education and diversity. She cares about the system and how it works. She is unopposed. Endorsed by many people.
Rick Larsen: so that you can get direct deposit. Social Security will share info with the IRS so they can get their money.
Can start applying for pandemic unemployment assistance. There will be an additional $600 per week retroactive. Trying to get the loans from PPP to be turned into grants. Problems with turn around times comes to the approval of testing. Cotton swab is the main issue we have when it comes to testing as we are chasing them around the country rather than making them here. The idea that we have to make up a response to each pandemic, it would be better to have a system in place for this.
Officer’s reports:
First Vice Chair/PCO coordinator:
Sharon and Al found a texting company that will allow for mass texting so that we can nominate delegates. One PCO resigned. Full report can be found here.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bank Total: $3707.21
Looking to do some more fundraising.
Rules Committee:
There were some changes to how we can vote with the new Zoom platform.
We made some improvements to the code of conduct in order to make the process of complaints more reasonable.
Motion to approve bylaws change to allow virtual meetings approved.
Motion to change Standing Rules approved.
Rules committee recommended a change to the current process to streamline code of conduct complaints and how they are dealt with. Motion approved.
Resolution Supporting Votebuilder Equal Access to Democratic Candidates was brought to the floor. There was discussion for and against. Motion Approved 11-4.
Caucus Cancelled:
Delegate allocation has been posted. We will be sending out texts to encourage people to be delegates.There may not be a physical DNC, as it might be virtual. Friday April 23rd is when the window closes to sign up to be a delegate.
Good of the Order:
David thanked Sharon for getting two congressmen to the meeting.
There was talk of endorsements for candidates.
Meeting adjourned 9:03pm.