Meeting call to order: 7:03PM
Really sad for the reason that we have to do the virtual meeting.
Using the first few minutes to go over zoom logistics for new users
For tonight, March 18 LD meeting we will present information, but will not entertain motions requiring a vote from the body. Going forward, we need to amend the 21st Bylaws to allow the 21st LD body to do virtual voting at our business meetings & committee meetings. To adopt the so amended Bylaws virtually may include a caveat that we ratify this action with re-vote in person when we are able to.The rules committee is working on updates to do this before our next meeting.
Exec Officer Roll Call: Stephanie, Al, Joel, Shaun, Rose, Peter, Sharon, Simone, David
Not Participating: Ahamad (away on drill), Denisa
State leadership has come up with a digital plan for the caucus as it has been cancelled.
Guest Speaker:
Rick Larsen:
Democrats have been taking the lead on an 8.3 billion dollar health plan which the President signed. The money includes dollars for supplies. We currently have issues with a supply network bottleneck. Public health nutrition increased the emergency food bank program. Passed families first coronavirus response act (FFCRA) which enhanced unemployment and paid family medical leave. Trying to protect all taxpayers including large businesses and employees. There is a lot of local help for food banks. We are trying to avoid congregations at the food banks.We are seeing major pain for hourly workers due to restaurants and bars being shut down. Much of what the small businesses are saying is that they don’t need small business loans, they need help with workers. We are looking at hospitals to look at their emergency systems in place, making sure they have enough personal protective equipment. On the DOH website you can track the testing numbers, at one point we had a 10.9% test positive testing rate, now we have a 7% positive testing rate. We need a faster turnaround time for the test. Currently we have a 24 hour turnaround time, which is one of the better turnaround times in the country.We also have one of the better health systems in the country. We have more small health districts than large health districts in the state.
Question posed: Is Boeing getting help from the federal government?
Answer: They are not currently getting help. They are currently not laying people off during Covid-19. Rick is more concerned with the people who work for Boeing not the company itself. Boeing has put a proposal to help with the company and the supply chain. We need to put the workers first. Largest supply issue is the N-95 respirator mask.
Question Posed: During this crisis, it has become clear that having health insurance tied to your job is precarious. Given this crisis, would you support medicare for all.
Answer: He doesn’t support medicare for all. He does support having a public option and protecting the ACA.
Question Posed: Furloughed Substitute teachers are having issues getting unemployment. Joel asked about having this exacerbate the income inequality.
Answer: Rick says income inequality will take a lot of things. People are dissatisfied with being preyed upon by insurance companies.
We are working on having a navy ship up to help relieve the healthcare system for beds. Hospital ships are set up for triage, rather than having special rooms for people. Governor has made the request to get a naval ship for this, but CA wants it too.
There was a discussion about giving furloughed people relief money.
Question Posed:How do we encourage saving and thriftiness? Our economy would be doing better if it wasn’t based on consumerism.
Answer: The Governor today did an announcement on mortgage and rent relief. Maxine Waters put in a package to include rent and mortgage relief. There has been a freeze on evictions for FHA loans. He would also like to assure all democrats that Congress hasn’t stopped working despite the Covid-19. It will be hard to get over this, but we will see the other side. We will get through this together.
If you have any ideas or comments
Monday Night there will be a Tele Town hall at 6pm. This is not part of his campaign, just an informational.
The website is set up Micah Set up a website so that the committee chairs and eboard can post frequent updates. These are visible for the membership on the Officer Reports and Committee Reports pages.
Chair Report:
We are going to co-host an election night party with 32nd, 46th and 42nd districts. The point would be to have unity within the party, no matter what. We will be using zoom from now until the corona virus is done. See the rest of the Chair report on the website front page.
Voted to support an electronic committee. Since there is not a strong opposition to the idea, we are putting it to the rules committee. Tested a voting system called ‘Polling’ through zoom. We could also do the roll call vote.
Received info from the state to guide how we can do voting, we will refer to the rules committee. Any suggestions send to
Trying to get people to read the documents before the meetings in order to effectively have discussions to adopt documents the meetings.
We do not at this time have an emergency clause in our bylaws.
WSDCC (state Dems) Executive Board, under Emergency Powers, just made their We will be making a decision about how delegates will be selected. People will have to submit a request to be delegates. PCO’s of the LD will receive a ballot electronically; Sharon will have to coordinate the voting. Delegates will get selected. The time period of April 1 – 24 will allow for people to register as LD delegates, and then the vote will be taken.
Treasurer’s Report: Total $22
Good of the Order:
Al and David thanked Sharon for setting this up.
Documents page has been fixed for the people who were having access issues. with that. Please email the technology committee if you have any issues.
Some schools will be serving meals, breakfast and lunch 18 years and younger during the school closure. There are 7 schools up this week providing this service. Anyone who needs child care service, YMCA is providing services.
Meeting Adjourned 8:53pm.