General Meeting 9/16/2020

Meeting Call to Order: 7:06 PM

Fundraising has been going very well this year. We have Biden/Harris signs for sale. 

PCO’s will be getting a survey on September 27th to help recruit PCO’s from precincts that don’t have PCO’s. 

Welcomed New Members.

Guest Speakers:

Nicola Smith: Mayor of Lynnwood, 7th Mayor of Lynnwood ending 7th year as Mayor

During the covid crisis Lynnwood has put money towards helping the community. Many of the workers in Lynnwood are essential and unable to work remotely. We are finding a huge racial disparity in Covid. School went back at 100% remote learning. They are still doing the free and reduced lunch with a pick up program. Using the rec center to provide childcare to families. Lynnwood has many new construction projects currently in the works. 

Joe Nguyen: State Senator

Spoke about this being a budget year. Hoping to have some more progressive tax laws in place, like a capital gains tax. 

Officer Reports:

Vice Chair/PCO Coordinator/Membership: 

Working on obtaining the signs for fundraising. Hoping they will arrive this week. Asking all PCO’s to text the voters. 93 Members in org last month we had 89. 60 PCO’s 31 gen and 2 aux. Asking PCO’s to please update their membership. 


Total In the Bank: $5852.62.

State Committee:

Last weekend we had a state committee meeting, which was the last meeting of the term. Not a positive experience. Leadership has taken control. Resolutions were given to the committee one day before they were presented. Resolutions were taken apart and changed to suit the needs of the leadership. There was a lack of the people’s voice being heard.

County Rep:

Met on aug 25th discussed the battle of 2020. The county has been told to delegate fundraising and such to the LD level. The county is doing joint fundraising to get dems in office. Gala has turned into a virtual election night party. 

Committee Reports:

Membership: Sent out cards to remind people to vote and join our membership.

Fundraising: Expecting the signs to sell soon.

Rules: Please send any rules or bylaws to change please email

Technology: Working on the website for the endorsements. 

New Business:

Endorsements committee met and vetted two candidates. Recommending disbursing endorsed candidates. Recommendations: Initiative 90: $350 %17.5; SOS Gael Tarleton: 

Recommending endorsements of Justice Montoya Lewis first NA justice on supreme court, and Chris Reykdall for OSPI he is for Ref 90 opponent is against Ref 90 and she is for charter schools. Motion to endorse Chris Reykdall and Justice Montoya Lewis passes. 

Motion to endorse Mike Pelliccioti Passes.

Motion to allocate funds to candidates passes.

Motion to allocate the extra $1000 donated from Strom Peterson in the same percentages as the $2000 passes. 

Brought up attendance. The eboard spoke to Simone about attendance. Motion to postpone this discussion passed.

Good of the order:

Melinda Goforth spoke about the Biden/Harris campaign. Working on getting volunteers to do calli-ns Weekly 






Collin spoke about the recall case against the snoco sheriff.

David will be doing sign waiving. 

Motion to suspend the rule that states we will not endorse a candidate that does not support single-payor. Does not pass. 

Louis Harris spoke about serving as mukilteo city council and please feel free to approach him. Created a coffee with council. 

Joel reminded us how close to the General election we are, this is a good time to show support to our democrats and invite more people into the democratic party. 

Clare congratulates Louis on winning the Mukilteo city council race. 

Meeting Adjourned 9:43PM