July 19, 2023 General Meeting Notes

21Dems General Meeting July 19, 2023

Mukilteo City Hall (in person)

Notes – Peter Henry, Secretary.


  • Call to order
  • PCO and Primary Planning
  • Endorsements
  • New Business  
  • Good of the Order
  • Adjournment

28 members and guests as of 7:15 plus Theresa on Zoom. Nobody else as far as I know

Call to Order 7:15

Recognition of elected officials (not running this year)

Rebecca Wolfe (SnoCo PUD)

Micah Rowland (South County Regional Fire Authority)

Riaz Khan (Mukilteo City Council) – quick announcement about political signs being uprooted

Candidates who are in primary races

Judith Martinez (Everett City Council, Pos. 7) – not endorsed by 21st (?)

Judge Patrick Moriarty (Superior Court, Pos. 17)

Mary Anderson (Superior Court, Pos. 17)

Bryce Nickel (Everett City Council, Pos. 7)

Megan Dunn (SnoCo Council, District 2)

Candidates who are bypassing primary

David Parshall (Lynnwood City Council, Pos. 7)

Susan Paine (Edmonds City Council, Pos. 6)

Chris Eck (Edmonds City Council, Pos. 1)

Jenna Nand (Edmonds City Council, Pos. 7) – unopposed

Susana Johnson (SnoCo Sherriff)

Who is the next woman?

Selena Killins (Port of Edmonds, Pos. 4) – Note, didn’t make it to 21st Dems endorsement page!

Riaz Khan (Mukilteo City Council)

Judge Miguel Duran (Superior Court, Pos. 16)


Presentation on how to use Votebuilder – Micah Rowland

Another candidate:

Mackey Guenther (Edmonds City Council, Pos. 4)

Presentation about doorbelling – Peter Henry

New Business

Motion – Riaz Khan – to rescind endorsement of Richard Emery for Mukilteo City Council position 4. A Motion to Rescind and takes ⅔ majority because there’s no prior notification. Charles Liu second

Motion to postpone until next meeting – Ahamad Chesay (?) 

Motion is debatable, does not require a second.

Might be a “special meeting” at the beginning of the picnic with this single item on the agenda. In this case this would be part of the “call” to the picnic. 

Vote by hands w/o count – motion passes 

Good of the Order

Ad Hoc Picnic Committee

Brook Roberts





Without objection, we are adjourned at 9:17