June 2018 General Business Meeting Minutes

Washington State 21st Legislative District Democrats Organization, General Business Meeting

Held on June 27, 2018
At Mukilteo City Hall


Adoption of Agenda and Minutes

The agenda for this month’s meeting were presented and approved.

The minutes from the prior meeting, on May 30, 2018, were presented and approved.


Guest Speakers

The 21st LD Democrats were pleased to welcome Mr. Ivan Lewis, candidate for State Representative, Position 1, from the 39th LD. His priorities include healthcare, infrastructure, progressive taxation, gun safety, and suicide prevention. Mr. Lewis is running in a large, rural, and typically Republican district, so he would like the 21st LD’s help in three specific ways: cash donations to his campaign, volunteers for door knocking, and to spread the word of his candidacy to voters in his district. 21st LD members who would like to volunteer for his campaign should contact Secretary Neil Shafer-Ross at Secretary@21Dems.org. More information about Mr. Lewis’s campaign can be found on his Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/electivanlewis/


In lieu of a featured guest speaker this month, Chair Micah Rowland presented a summary of Robert’s Rules of Order, the system of rules under which the 21st LD General Business Meetings are conducted. Micah presented examples of motions, such as a simple motion to take an action, to amend such a motion when it is already on the floor, to “call the question” to close debate on a motion, and to postpone a motion indefinitely (typically until the next meeting, whenever it takes place). Micah has written a brief summary of Robert’s Rules, which will be available to interested members at the next General Business Meeting. Any member who has questions about Robert’s Rules should contact Micah Rowland at Chair@21Dems.org.


Officers Reports

Due to a busy agenda, most members of the Executive Board did not give reports at this month’s meeting.


Micah updated the members on new features of the 21Dems.org website, including the “members only”  calendar and committee specific pages. Also, members can see their past dues invoices in the new Membership Services section.

PCO Coordinator

PCO Al Apodaca presented his monthly report on PCOs. Any PCOs who have questions should contact Al directly at PCOSupport@21Dems.org.


Old Business

There was no Old Business.


New Business

There was a motion to endorse Ivan Lewis for State Representative, 39th LD, Position 1. The motion was seconded. There was no debate. The motion passed unanimously. Ivan Lewis is endorsed.


As was mentioned in the meeting call for June, Micah Rowland proposed an amendment to the organization’s bylaws regarding access to the membership list. Existing bylaws allow any registered member to request the membership list from the Chair (Section 3.04). Individual members can opt out of the membership list (3.04.02), but there is no provision for determining that the member has a bona fide need for the membership list. The proposed amendment would allow the Chair, at his or her discretion, to refer a member’s request for the membership list to a vote of the body at the next General Business Meeting; the members would then vote to determine if the request should be honored and the membership list released.

The motion to amend the bylaws was brought to the floor. A motion to amend the motion on the floor was made and seconded to insert language that would cause the denial to be referred to the Membership Committee for review and recommendation to the body at the next General Business Meeting, which the body would vote to approve or reject. The motion to amend was debated for and against.

Due to a disruption, a motion was made to remove member Willie Russell from the meeting. The motion was seconded. There was no debate. The motion to remove Mr. Russell from the meeting passed unanimously.

Debate returned to the prior motion, to amend the original motion. The motion to amend was voted on, and failed.

Debate returned to the original motion, to amend the bylaws. Micah stepped down from the chair to speak in debate on the motion, with Vice Chair Christine Schmalz stepping in as acting chair. The motion to amend the bylaws was debated, for and against.

There was a motion to call the question and end debate. Ending debate requires a 2/3 majority of the members present. The vote to end debate reached the 2/3 threshold, and debate was ended. Because Washington State Democratic Party bylaws state that only active PCOs may vote on bylaws changes, only PCOs present could vote on this motion. There was a call for division. Ahamad counted the PCO credentials of those voting on the motion: the results were 14 PCOs voting in support, with no PCOs voting against the motion. The motion was passed, and the bylaws will be so amended.

The 21st LD’s bylaws can be found here:



There was a motion to endorse I-1639, which would raise the minimum age to purchase automatic rifles to 21, which is the same minimum age to purchase handguns. The initiative would also enhance background checks to purchase guns, and impose penalties on gun owners whose improperly stored guns are used by another person to commit a crime. There was no debate. The motion was voted on, and passed. I-1639 is endorsed. The full text of I-1639, as filed with the WA Secretary of State, can be found here: https://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/finaltext_1531.pdf

To volunteer with or donate to the “Yes on I-1639” campaign, please visit their website here: yeson1639.org


A motion to adjourn was made from the floor, and seconded. The vote to adjourn was unanimous, and the meeting was adjourned.


Good of the Order

There were several informal announcements at this meeting, some of them being made after the meeting was formally adjourned.

Mr. Gary McHague, a guest from the 32nd LD, brought our attention to the group North Seattle Progressives, which is based in the nearby town of Shoreline and welcomes progressives from all over the region. They are an active group with weekly meetings and lots of activities. Members can learn more by visiting their website at northseattleprogressives.org.

The Chair of the Snohomish County Young Democrats, Louis Aaron Harris, announced that his organization will be holding a parade in Everett soon, with details to be announced. Their website is here: yd.snocodems.org/

The Chair of the Fundraising and Events Committee announced that we would begin a solicitation drive to ask local Mexican restaurants to donate gift certificates, which would then be raffled off at meetings as a way to raise funds.

Sharon Holt, State Commiteewoman, informed the members that name tag holders would be purchased soon, and name tags then printed that can be worn at meetings.

There was also an announcement of the Snohomish County Democrats would be holding a meeting on July 7th, at the Labor Temple in Everett, starting at 10:00 AM. Among the items on that meeting’s agenda is a motion to rescind the endorsement of Congressman Rick Larsen, which may be of interest to the members of the 21st LD. Further information about the Snohomish County Democrats can be found at their website here: snocodems.org/