Never did I think I would be a leader of an organization during a PANDEMIC crisis, but here I am trying to provide a useful report to our 21st LD membership and PCOs. Here goes…
I won’t spend time talking about the Covid-19 Coronavirus itself, except in terms as it is affecting our 21st LD Dems Organization. For the families experiencing health, economic or other impacts to their lives as a result of this deadly disease, our hearts share your distress. We will press for our elected representatives to provide relief that matters. There are plenty of resources and an overabundance of news; an information overload for most all of us already. If you DO need more, for up-to-date & reliable information go to the CDC, DOH, or other .gov websites. Where we are now is slowing down the transmission of the virus, so Stay Home, Stay Safe. Social distancing is going to save lives. Just DO it.
In accordance with the social distancing guidelines, at this time, we are no longer meeting in person. Instead, we are holding all 21st LD meetings (LD General Business, Executive Board, and Committees) using a virtual meeting conference tool called ZOOM. For more information, see
There is an interesting wrinkle in LD General Business meetings that are held virtually, as our 21st LD Bylaws do not currently support remote voting by membership, even in an emergency situation like today’s pandemic virus presents. So, the Rules committee is actively pursuing an amendment to the our 21st LD Bylaws to allow for remote voting in a case of emergency, where there is no other way to do business of the 21st LD Democratic Organization. But the Catch-22 is, we have to meet physically in order to change our Bylaws. Our Rules Committee is working on a plan to address this situation and will share it with you very soon.
The 21st has worked hard over the past several months getting ready to host the 21st LD Caucus in April, only to find out yesterday that it is CANCELLED. The leaders in the party will find an alternative method, to avoid mass gathering. They will need to craft a brand new plan for the selection of Pledge Delegates for the National Democratic Convention, if indeed that event even occurs. Today, we are all waiting for more information. The WA State leaders are meeting this week to find a new solution in place of the caucus. As soon as there is more information we will share it with you. Until then, stay tuned.
What is working well at the moment? This is a very busy and productive time for Candidates seeking our endorsement. Our 21st LD Endorsements & Elections (E&E)Committee is hard at work distributing Candidate questionnaires and holding Candidate interviews. This is a lively, interactive time which will lead to a committee recommendation to the body. We anticipate 2 slates, one for Judicial Candidates, and the other for local, county, state Candidates. The Slate Recommendations provided by E & E will be shared with the body at a future ‘Endorsements’ Meeting on May 17 , and our membership will vote to express their choice for each race. A very exciting opportunity for the 21st LD to share it’s voice and leadership in the community.
A shout out to the FundRaising & Events Committee, who are working hard to raise funds for the organization. On Feb 22, we held a successful membership drive and fundraising event at Spiros Pizza in Mukilteo. Three teams competed in Presidential Trivia Games, and prizes were awarded for the winning team. It was fun, and helped raise money for our organization. Events like these help us to continue our activities and help us to elect good Democratic candidates.
GOTV Coordinated Canvass
Sunday March 1, the 21st LD Dems coordinated with 1st LD Dems for a joint GOTV Canvas in the Bothell area. Both LD’s helped go door to door, encouraging ‘light’ or ‘spotty’ voters to get their Primary ballot turned in. We need to start doing this more often. It was a nice sunny day, and we met a lot of new people in the district. A great opportunity to grow our membership and to elect good democrats. Contact Al Apodaca, the 21st lD PCO coordinator to set up a canvass date in your precinct.
These are just a few of the things we are working on today, and plans for some of our activities in the near future. In spite of some unexpected curves balls we’ve experienced in the 21st LD over the last few years, we are a hardy bunch. We are still going strong, and as long as we keep working together, we will survive and thrive. Which brings me to my closing message, and the most important thought to share, about unity.
A lot can be said for the power of cooperation. It is the essential element of success. When we are all working together for a common goal we are much more likely to succeed. It is as simple as that. We just can’t take sides and reduce from comradery to infighting. If we do, we will fail. Personally, I just can’t take another 4 years of TRUMP. Please think about the power of your individual actions and do the right thing. Support each other, no matter who wins and becomes the Presidential Candidate on the ticket. Stay on the right track. Support the Democratic Candidate. Vote smart. That way we all win. And winning is good!
Thank you for all you do to support the 21st LD Democratic Organization. We need you.
Your Chair,
Sharon Holt
425 478-2418