21st LD Democrats General Business Meeting
May 30, 2018
Mukilteo City Hall
Guest Speakers
Our featured Guest Speaker for the evening was Tina Podlodowski, Chair of the Washington State Democrats. She spoke on important races in Washington State during these midterm elections, and the party’s goals for this year. She expressed pride in the diverse slate of candidates that are running, and in the large number of races being contested by the party. After her remarks, Tina answered several questions from members in attendance.
In addition to the featured speaker, candidates David Chan and Riaz Khan both spoke in favor of their candidacy, and asked for the endorsement of the 21st LD Democrats.
Officers Reports
Chair Micah Rowland extended his thanks to everyone who attended the special Endorsements Meeting on May 19, and asked for volunteers for the upcoming state fair in August. He reminded the members of the State Democratic Convention on June 15 and 16. He answered questions from members regarding PCO appointments and liaising between PCOs and campaigns.
1st Vice Chair
1st Vice Chair Christine Awad Schultz expressed her thanks to Scott Marshall and Neil Shafer-Ross for the time they spent on the Endorsements Committee over the preceding few weeks.
Secretary Neil Shafer-Ross had nothing to report.
Treasurer Simone Gomes read the balances of the current accounts, and reminded new members to please pay their dues.
County Committeewoman
County Committeewoman Rose Andrews made a report of the recent Endorsements Meeting of the Snohomish County Democrats. A list of the candidates endorsed by the Snohomish County Democrats can be found at http://snocodems.org/about/endorsements/. At that meeting, the Chair of the Endorsements Committee and the Sergeant at Arms were both removed by a vote of the members.
County Committeeman
County Committeeman Niko Battle asked interested members to consider becoming Chair of the Snohomish County Endorsements Committee, and to contact Hilary Moralez. He also elaborated on Rose’s report by mentioning that the Snohomish County Democrats attempted to discipline their State Committeeman at the last meeting, but that motion was delayed until the next meeting.
State Committeeman
State Committeeman Shaun Olsen informed the members that several planks of the Snohomish County Democratic Platform have been incorporated into the State Democratic Party Platform.
PCO Coordinator
PCO Coordinator Al Apodaca gave a brief summary of the current PCO roster. There are 55 PCOs on the current roster. In the recent 2018 election filing, 50 PCOs have filed unopposed; a further 6 precincts will see runoffs during the primary election in August, for a total of 56. Newly elected PCOs will officially assume office on December 1.
Old Business
Old Business consisted of two motions for endorsement, postponed from the preceding Endorsements Meeting on May 19.
The motion to endorse I-1631 was taken back up. This initiative would place a fee on certain high polluting businesses in Washington State, with the revenue therefrom to be used for pollution control, investing in renewable energy, and retraining workers displaced by the loss of high polluting jobs. The motion was seconded. The motion was spoken for and against. Several questions were asked and answered by representatives supporting the initiative. There was a motion to call the question; the vote was overwhelming in favor of ending debate. The vote on the original motion was in favor of endorsement. I-1631 was endorsed.
The motion to endorse Washington Supreme Court Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud was taken back up. The motion was debated for and against. The vote on the motion was in favor of endorsement. Justice McCloud was endorsed.
New Business
There was a motion to endorse Washington Supreme Court Justice Steven Gonzalez. The motion was seconded. The Endorsements Committee shared information on Justice Gonzalez. The motion was debated for and against. The vote on the motion was unanimous in favor of support. Justice Gonzalez was endorsed.
There was a motion to endorse David Chan for PUD Commissioner, District 2. The motion was not seconded, and fell to the floor.
There was a motion to endorse Riaz Khan for State Senator from the 21st Legislative District. The motion was seconded. The motion was debated for and against. The vote on the motion was not in favor of endorsement. Riaz Khan was not endorsed.
Scott Marshall, Chair of the Education and Issues Committee, made a motion in the form of a written resolution “Endorsing and Urging Support for H.R. 5236 – Main Street Employee Ownership Act of 2018.” The motion would encourage Senators from Washington State Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell to vocally support and vote in favor of H.R. 5236, and in particular Senator Cantwell who sits on the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. This house resolution intends to expand opportunities available to employee-owned businesses, and has passed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support. There was a motion to postpone indefinitely, which was spoken for and against; the vote to postpone indefinitely failed to meet the requisite two thirds majority. There was no actual debate on the resolution. The vote on the resolution was unanimously in favor. The resolution was passed. Full text of the resolution can be found here: https://21dems.org/endorsing-and-urging-support-for-h-r-5236/