Oct 24th, 2018 County Committee Report

The County cancelled their October General Meeting as the Treasurer Richard Moralez passed away. A reschedule has yet to be announced. We’re playing with the idea of a post election/ holiday meeting/ party on November 13 in the evening – specific time and place to be announced. We’ll likely hold the Snohomish County Rising award ceremony at this time. The Board also voted to change the name of the empowerment award to the Richard Moralez Empowerment award in his honor and remembrance.

The Gala raised roughly $11,000. The Board called an emergency meeting on Oct 16th to vote on how those funds should be disbursed to candidates. Disbursements went as follows:

Marilynn Chase received $1000

Jon Lovick received $2000

Jared Mead received $1750

Ivan Lewis received $5000

Liz Volgeli received $250

Mary Rollins received $250

Rebecca Wolfe received $250

Everett Districts Now received $500


-Post Gala feedback included the need for more volunteers.

-We were complimented by the venue for our timeliness and cleanliness.

-The county party has been invited back when the new yacht club is complete.


All funds raised at the Gala were by individual contributions only.


The SCDCC appointed Eric Halverson as Treasurer.


If you have concerns about PDC complaints against the county, we were assured last night that Eric is on top of it and all complaints and corrections have been submitted. The PDC is completely buried in petty complaints and so the process of reconciling the issues is slow.


County Reorg will be December 9th at the PUD Auditorium from 10 to 4. This is also going to be used as a membership drive opportunity, so please re-up with the county. If you decide you can attend the Re-org – remember space is limited as elected PCOs get priority seating. We are also playing with the idea that if you do pay dues that day, your name will go in the hat for a door prize tbd.


Emails from the chair will go out to elected PCOs soon with more information. The email will also include an Opt-out option where you can receive your PCO packet via email rather than mail, which saves paper and money. The packet is supposed to include the certificate of election, If you Opt-out of the mailing, you will receive your certificate of election at the re-org meeting. If you can’t make the Re-org meeting, unclaimed certificates of Opt- out PCOs will get handed to LD chairs for disbursement.

If you wish to not Opt out – you will receive a packet in the mail per the county bylaws.


The Re-Org meeting does need non-voting volunteers to man check-in/ credentials committee, snack/ donations table, and tally committee. If you want to lend a hand, please reach out to chair@snocodems.org.


The meeting will start with the election of a temporary chair and secretary so that business can be conducted. Then By-laws and standing rules will need to be passed by the body before officers can be elected. That being said, Bret Chiafalo has volunteered to head up the County’s Bylaws/ Standing Rules committee. He has been asked to schedule two meetings to amend the bylaws and create standing rules as currently the Snohomish County Democrats do not have standing rules. It has been requested that these suggested amended bylaws and standing rules be submitted to the board by Nov 28th so that they can be sent to the elected PCO body for review. Please reach out to Bret if you wish to participate in these meetings.


For those who are new to the party or are newly elected PCOs, there is a pretty great blog on the web called Jurassic Parliament which is a comedic tutorial on Roberts Rules of Order. Check it out.
