1 appointment was made and will need to be ratified by the general body at our next quarterly meeting April 20th:
Ivan Lewis is now heading up the County’s By-Laws committee
The county is in the process of scheduling PCO trainings with the State Committee NW Field organizer Alex Del Rosario. Please contact Alex Ascevado – the county PCO coordinator if you would like more information – go to http://snocodems.org/get-in-touch/ and fill out the form and select PCO Recruitment to send your inquiry.
The Tech committee is working on getting PCOs added to the Sno Co Dems Slack channel. This is where it will be easier to be involved in county committees.
The board is working on scheduling a special endorsements meeting in May likely after filing week is complete.
The county is also starting to implement Zoom for live streaming meetings. It was effective when it was used for the March 11th Caucus vs Primary presentation. The county is spending $149.90 for 1 year’s use.
The board approved to give $150 to the Learn your Rights and Get Out the Vote Forum being hosted by the 1st LD on March 30th. Proceeds for this event funds the League of Women voters. This will be held from 9am – 3pm at the Operating Engineers (IUOE) Hall 18701 120th Ave NE Bothell, WA 98037. I believe Tina Podlodowski will be speaking as well as our fellow friend Niko Battle. This is a ticketed event. It is $15 to register. Please visit http://1stld.snocodems.org/ for the brown paper tickets link to purchase.