CCD 3 Appointment Vote

CCD3 Vote on Thursday at 6:30!
Reminder: the PCO recommendation vote for the vacancy in county council district 3 (“CCD3”) is THIS Thursday, September 15, at 6:30 p.m. Anyone may attend, but ONLY PCOs in CCD3 will be voting on three candidates to submit for consideration by the Snohomish County Council. PCOs will be receiving unique voter identification numbers (UVINs) to ensure privacy and to prevent duplication of ballots. 

Also, you MUST register IN ADVANCE for this meeting. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Kindly RE-review the note below, especially the Procedures For Nominating Candidates for Vacancies in Legislative District or County Offices.

Questions? Please email, or me directly at

Democratically yours,


Monica Chilton (she/her)
Chair, Snohomish County Democrats
County Council District 3 Appointment Recommendation Vote Sept 15th!
To the current elected and appointed PCOs residing within the current (i.e., pre-redistricting) boundaries of Snohomish County Council District 3 (“CCD 3”):

This message is your official notice that you are called to participate in a vote to select three candidates for the Snohomish County Democrats to submit to the Snohomish County Council, from which they will choose a successor to fill the seat vacated on August 29th by Stephanie Wright.

VOTE FOR RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CCD 3 APPOINTMENTDATE: Thursday, September 15th, 2022TIME: 6:30 p.m.VENUE: Zoom meeting Eligible voters, candidates, and other interested parties will be welcome to attend this meeting. A Zoom registration link will be provided in a reminder email.

IMPORTANT! Please review this document below early and often:Procedures for Nominating Candidates for Vacancies in Legislative District or County Offices We will be following this document as our process for the September 15th meeting.  Simply substitute “County Council District” wherever you see “Legislative District”.

NOTE FOR THE FULL COHORT OF CURRENT SNOCO PCOs: The state constitution requires that the action taken by the sub-section of the county (district 3) must be ratified by the County Party writ large, as PCOs. After the CCD 3 PCOs make their choices, all the 2020-2022 SnoCo PCOs will receive an email with a ballot to approve or not approve the three candidates decided upon by the CCD 3 PCOs. Therefore, after the September 15th appointment recommendation vote, keep a lookout for that email and vote on the ratification IMMEDIATELY.

Thank you for reading, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Democratically yours,

Monica Chilton (she/her)
Chair, Snohomish County Democrats