August 2019 General Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting call to order at 7:05 PM.

New Agenda Item:
Suggested letter written to the four congresswomen: Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib whom president trump insulted for being women of color. This letter was stating that we do not condone this behavior and that the 21st legislative democrats stand with them in solidarity and condemn the President’s words.

Agenda was voted and approved

Guest Speaker Strom Peterson:
Spoke about Passing gun violence laws and what is trying to be passed in congress. Also reminded people that if a law is important to you to call Strom’s office and let them know. There are currently many bills on the docket to be reviewed and voted for, and can find these on the .gov website. 13 environmental bills were passed last year. The House of Representatives just elected the first woman as speaker of the House. New session starts in Olympia in January.

Credential Report: 20 new voting members

Treasurer’s report:
Savings: $41
Operations Fund: $665
Victory Fund: $3,595
Total Funds: $4,301
Large expenditure from last month of $500.00 for Evergreen State fair dipped into budget quite a bit. A motion was raised to take the $500 off the budget for next year. It was discussed. It was voted for, and it passed

Officer Reports:
We want to be able to communicate through our website better. We will be making improvements to the calendar. We are actively creating a new survey using google forms on the website to see what is important in our district. If anyone has speaker suggestions, we could use some guest speakers at our meetings. We will possibly have an active bystander training.
Next Month is the last of the state conventions September 27th and 28th in Yakima.
All but two of our endorsed candidates made it through the primaries. The two that did not are Tina Over and Rosamaria Graziani.

First Vice Chair/PCO Coordinator:
Need to get PCOs out and canvasing, we are working on a door hanger/slimjim. We have 3 potential PCOs in training and 3 new members at this meeting.

Neil Schafer-Ross stepped down as Secretary.

Denisa from the young democrats spoke:
Three resolutions were presented from the young democrats for our endorsement, and will be sent to our education committee.

County Committee:
Rose Andrews delivered report. You can view it here.

Fundraising and Events Committee:
Brian Sullivan is allowing us to have a fundraiser at Sully’s. We are looking at doing a trivia night. Tentative date of October 24th.

Sargent at arms has returned from basic training in the National Guard.

Technology Committee: Needs more People

Motion to elect Stephanie Sanders as the new secretary. It was seconded. Stephanie Spoke on her behalf. It was voted for and passed. Stephanie accepted the role of secretary.

Motion to approve letter to congresswomen with slight amendment to extend invitation and to send out four letters was voted for and approved.

Motion to endorse Christine Melenchenko for Mukilteo City Council. There was discussion for and against. Voted on and passed.

Good of the Order:
There is a picket line for Swedish Edmonds, where all are welcome to support the union.
Next presidential debates are on September 12th and 13th -Micah Rowland will be hosting a watch party
September 4th is the Climate debate.
There is a new legal clinic in Everett focused on expunging past drug records

Meeting adjourned at 9PM