July 2018 General Business Meeting minutes

Washington State 21st Legislative District Democratic Party Organization

General Business Meeting
July 25, 2018
Mukilteo City Hall

Officers’ Reports


Micah Rowland informed the members that Officers’ Reports can now be posted on the website. This will provide a written record of detailed reports, and allow officers to focus their in person reports on highlights to save time during this portion of the meeting. See 21dems.org/officers-reports/

1st Vice Chair

Christine Awad Schmalz requested additional volunteers for the Snohomish County Democrats booth at the Evergreen State Fair, August 26th.

2nd Vice Chair

Bret Chiafalo had nothing to report this month. He has been working on the election campaign for Rebecca Wolfe, candidate for PUD Commissioner, Position 2.


Neil Shafer-Ross has been reaching out to Democratic candidates in neighboring LDs, in an attempt to build relationships. He is prepared to put interested members of the 21st LD Democrats in touch with campaign managers in other districts who have a need for volunteers. Interested members should email Secretary@21Dems.org.


Simone Gomes read the current balances of the organization’s bank accounts. She also announced that she will be on vacation for most of the summer, and Chair Micah Rowland will take on the routine duties of the Treasurer until she returns. She asked that members who make gifts in kind (non-cash, such as supplies or food) to the upcoming 21st LD Democrats picnic keep their receipts, so their gift can be properly reported to the PDC.

County Committeewoman

Rose Andrews gave a report of the most recent Snohomish County Democrats meeting. Her detailed summary of that meeting can be found at 21dems.org/7-25-18-county-committee-report/

State Committeewoman

Sharon Holt reminded those PCOs in attendance to canvass their precincts, as part of the “get out the vote” effort for the August 7 primary election.

State Committeeman

Shaun Olsen informed the members that he has been helping support state-wide races, particularly those in traditionally Republican districts.

PCO Coordinator

Al Apodaca reported that we now have 63 Democratic PCOs in the district. He reported on recent canvass and phone banking efforts that he has coordinated. Members who are interested in volunteering with the coordinated campaign, which is supported by the Washington State Democrats, are encouraged to contact Ms. Alex Rosario at alexd@wa-democrats.org.

Guest Speakers

State Representative Lillian Ortiz-Self was in attendance at this meeting. She made brief remarks regarding recent developments in the state legislature. A Republican state senator is drafting a letter of support for ICE, while Democratic legislators are exploring ways to protect Washington State residents from ICE actions. Members are encouraged to contact Jessica Agi to receive campaign literature for the members of Team 21: State Senator Marko Liias and State Representatives Strom Peterson and Lillian Ortiz-Self. Literature is available for each legislator individually, and for all three as a slate. Lillian announced that she would be in Puerto Rico for the next two weeks, working as a volunteer, and would not be in the state on the primary election deadline.

Our Featured Speaker for the evening was Mr. Brett Bass, a firearms instructor with the Bellevue Gun Club, and Program Coordinator with Safer Homes Coalition (a suicide prevention organization, website: depts.washington.edu/saferwa/). Mr. Bass is a gun rights supporter and a firearms expert, who was invited to speak to the 21st LD Democrats to provide an alternate point of view and encourage dialog on the subject of gun safety. He presented his carefully considered opinions with regard to Initiative 1639, which is related to gun violence prevention. In brief, Mr. Bass expressed no objection to the provision of I-1639 which sets standards for storage of firearms, however he did have reservations with both of the other major provisions. Mr. Bass does not feel that raising the minimum age to purchase automatic rifles from 18 to 21 will lead to a meaningful reduction in gun violence, because the vast majority of gun violence is committed with handguns, not rifles. He also expressed a philosophical objection to requiring training for firearms purchasers, because he feels the right to keep and bear arms should remain a right rather than a privilege, although he did acknowledge that such a requirement would mean additional job security for firearms instructors like himself. Mr. Bass also answered questions from the members, and expressed his appreciation for being invited to present a point of view in contrast to that of most of the 21st LD Democrats.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

Bret Chiafalo made a motion for the organization to give $300 to the campaign of Rebecca Wolfe for PUD Commissioner, Position 2, one of our endorsed candidates. The motion was seconded. The motion was debated, for and against. The vote was in favor of the motion. The 21st LD Democrats will make a $300 gift to Dr. Wolfe’s campaign.

A resolution was brought to the floor by the Education and Issues Committee: “Supporting Safe Injection Sites and Needle Exchange in the 21st Legislative District.” https://21dems.org/supporting-safe-injection-sites/ The resolution was debated for and against. The vote was in favor of the resolution. The resolution shall be adopted by the 21st LD Democrats.

The meeting went into executive session, to discuss an internal matter. Those guests in attendance who were not registered members of the 21st LD Democrats were asked to leave, and did so. When the executive session was concluded, those guests who had remained outside the meeting room were invited back in.

Good of the Order:

David Parshall, a visitor from the 32nd LD, spoke on behalf of the Snohomish Labor Council. He offered free tickets to an Everett AquaSox baseball game on August 9, with the goal of ensuring a strong turnout for Union Solidarity Night. Snohomish County Labor Council website: snolabor.org  Everett AquaSox website: milb.com/everett

Another guest informed the members of the upcoming Nubian Jam on Saturday, July 28th. nubianjameverett.org

Sharon Holt asked for volunteers for the 21st LD Democrats picnic, scheduled for Saturday September 8.