General Meeting October 2019

Meeting call to order at 7:05pm

Welcomed in new members

  • Reminder that we are starting a new membership campaign in November.

Sharon made an announcement at the beginning of our meeting regarding our code of conduct.

  • This is a reminder that we have a code of conduct that is available online as well as at our meetings.
  • According to our code of conduct if anyone is behaving in a threatening way, we will call 911.

Minutes from September 2019 General Business Meeting were voted on and approved

This meeting’s agenda was discussed, and a few changes were made. It was voted on and approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Total balance: $4415. We will have expenses coming in the next couple of months, so we will need to keep this balance growing.

First Vice Chair/PCO Coordinator Report:

  • We need our PCO’s out canvassing.
  • Our candidates also need help canvassing.
  • We have a new vote builder for our PCO’s.
  • We currently have 52 PCO’s and 86 members.
  • No new members in October as of this meeting.
  • We are still populating the action items tracker.
  • We have a second request out for anyone with foreign language skills to talk to Al Apodaca.

Second Vice Chair/Issues and Education Committee Report:

  • Reviewed the procedures

State Committee Meeting Report:

  • A good part of the 7 legislative districts felt equally unheard at the meeting.
  • Changes to the DNC bylaws have made it difficult to form the constituency caucuses, as they can now only exist by applying and being approved by the executive board for the state committee.
  • There were no resolutions and no endorsements discussed at this meeting.
  • Sharon found out that raffles might need special a special license to do, so she will follow up with the gambling commission.

County Report:

  • The county met on September 24th.
  • The Gala raised a net of $8,170.89, $4000.00 of that has been allocated to candidates running in Snohomish county
  • The County raised $800 from the fair, leading to the decision to forgo the fair next year in favor of more democratic friendly locations.
  • For the full county report click here .

Events Committee:

  • Trivia night at 6:30pm at Sully’s on October 24th.


  • Sharon has been looking through the surveys to get ideas.
  • Reminder to join a committee. If you are curious, but not sure about a certain committee you can go to one meeting and sit in on it.
  • We will be forming a special subcommittee for caucus planning.
  • We are cleaning up the 2016 complaint
  • Asking everyone to try to get out to your neighborhoods to canvas and get involved.
  • Canvas opportunity with the 32nd LD at Yost park at 10:30 on Saturday. Endorsed candidates will be there.

Endorsements/Elections Committee:

  • November 9th will be the meeting with the Snohomish county democrats
  • Will be getting the 2020 questionnaires out soon.

Technology Committee:

  • There was an issue on the website, it is fixed now.

New Business

  • 2020 Caucus has some new rules passed down by the state including the facility we use must be ADA certified and we need to have interpreters for our demographic.
  • We did a soft booking for Mariner High School for the 2020 caucus as this is in our district and it would meet the ADA certified requirements.
  • The interpreters and the facility are going to cost quite a lot, but we can request extra money for our caucus from the state.
  • Resolution: Already passed in the 38th, asking Everett City Council to pass a rule to regard public and community service for the civil service test points awards and hiring incentives. There was discussion for this resolution. It was voted for and passed.

Good of the Order:

  • Al Apodaca introduced us to Happy Dollar. If you are happy about something donate to the 21st LD Democrats and share your story.
  • Make sure to give Al Apodaca your candidates information so that he can get that out to our members.
  • David Chan is running a campaign right now and couldn’t make it
  • Micah attended the state committee meeting and was disappointed in the rules that have changed. Many of the rules now are taking authority away from grassroots organizations.
  • Simone works at Edmonds Community College and there are many homeless students there. She is suggesting that we have a guest speaker from the Jane Kim foundation on 196th St. to be at one of our meetings to talk more about this issue.
  • Denissa, the liaison from the young democrats announced that there is a fundraiser called “We Didn’t Start the Fire” on October 25th to support the Amazon and democratic candidates.
  • Reminder that there is a record expungement clinic at the Carnegie resource center in Everett on Friday from 10-1.
  • News from the 32nd LD Tim Eyman has been at city council meetings to vote yes on I-976. Edmonds city council voted no, but he is out there trying to get this passed.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:43 AM.