January 2019 General Business Meeting minutes

The January 2019 General Business Meeting of the Washington State 21st Legislative District Democratic Party Organization took place on January 16, 2019, at the Edmonds Senior Center.

The meeting opened with a flag salute.

Guest Speakers
Prior to the start of formal business, some guest speakers made short comments to the members.

Snohomish County Prosecutor Adam Cornell expressed his thanks to the organization for our endorsement during his campaign.

Snohomish County Public Utilities Commissioner Rebecca Wolfe also thanked the organization for our endorsement, and invited members to attend the PUD commission’s twice-monthly meetings. Information about those meetings–including audio recordings of past meetings–can be found here:

Deborah Viertel from the 32nd LD Democratic Party Organization addressed the members regarding a bill under consideration in the Washington State legislature: SB 5078. If made law, this bill would require future candidates for President of the United States to make public their federal income tax returns before their name will be added to the Washington State Primary ballot. The 32nd LD Democrats recently passed a resolution in support of this bill, and Ms. Viertel encouraged the 21st LD Democrats, as a sister organization, to pass a similar resolution in solidarity.
Information about the bill can be found here:

Approval of the Agenda
There was a motion to approve the agenda. It was seconded. At member request, the agenda was amended, adding a resolution to New Business for consideration later in the meeting. The agenda was adopted as amended, without objection.

Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of our last meeting were considered for approval; the last meeting was the 21st LD Democratic Party Organization reorganization meeting, which had been held on December 5, 2018. The minutes had been uploaded to the website prior to this meeting, and can be viewed here:
There was a motion to approve the minutes of the December 5 re-org meeting. It was seconded. The minutes were approved without objection.

Old Business
There was no Old Business

New Business

The first order of New Business was the consideration of the 21st Legislative District Democratic Organization Code of Conduct / Ethics. The draft of this document is available for download here:
There was a motion to adopt the Code of Conduct as written. It was seconded.
There was a motion to object to the consideration of the question. It was seconded. The vote on the motion to object was not in favor.
Returning to the original motion, it was debated against and for. There was a motion to call the question, and it passed. There was a vote on the original motion, and it passed. The 21st Legislative District Democratic Organization Code of Conduct / Ethics was adopted.

The second order of New Business was the consideration of amendments to the 21st Legislative District Democratic Organization bylaws. The draft of the amended bylaws can be found here:
At member request, the proposed amendments were considered en serratum, rather than as a slate.
Proposed amendment to section 4.02.06, regarding the appointment of a Deputy Treasurer. Motion to adopt, seconded, passed.
Proposed amendment to section 4.02.09, regarding the appointment of a Young Democrats Liaison. Motion to adopt, seconded, passed.
Proposed amendment to section 4.02.10. There was a motion to amend the proposed amendment to add the words “or as needed” to the section. There was debate against and for. The motion to amend passed. There was a motion to adopt the amendment to the bylaws as amended, which was seconded and passed.
Proposed amendment to section 5.09, regarding remote participation in meetings by E-Board members and state legislators. Motion to adopt, seconded, passed.
Proposed amendments to Article 8, preamble and section 8.01, regarding reporting to the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission. Motion to adopt, seconded, passed.
Proposed new article, Article 11, regarding the Code of Conduct. Motion to adopt, seconded, passed.

There was a motion to re-adopt the standing rules and special rules of order which were adopted by the prior 21st LD Democratic Party Organization. Seconded. The motion was debated against and for. In the judgement of the Chair the standing rules and special rules of order should be considered in two separate votes.
The vote to re-adopt the special rules of order passed.
The vote to re-adopt the standing rules passed.

Per the agenda, there was a resolution to consider: Resolution Supporting Whole Washington State Universal Healthcare Initiative (I-1600). There was a motion to postpone the resolution indefinitely. It was seconded. Debated for and against. There was a motion to call the question, which passed. There was a vote on the motion to postpone indefinitely, which required division: 10 in favor, 11 opposed. The motion to postpone indefinitely was not passed.
There was a motion to adopt the resolution, which was seconded. The motion was debated against and for. There was a motion to call the question, which passed unanimously. There was a vote on the motion to adopt the resolution, which passed. The resolution will be adopted.

A motion was made to add Micah Rowland to the Technology and Bylaws Committees. It was seconded. The motion was debated against and for. There was a motion to postpone indefinitely, which was debated for and against. There was a motion to call the question regarding the motion to postpone indefinitely, which passed. There was a vote on the motion to postpone indefinitely, which required division: 10 in favor, 13 opposed. The original motion was not postponed. The original motion was voted on and passed. Micah Rowland will be added to the Technology and Bylaws Committees.

Officers’ Reports

Chair Sharon Holt had nothing to report. Sharon led the body in a minute of silence in memory of Alex Hendrickson, a fellow member who recently passed away unexpectedly.
Sharon also asked members to contact her at Chair@21Dems.org to indicate what committees they would like to be on or any other way they would like to volunteer this year.

Treasurer David Chan read the current balances of the organization’s accounts. He announced that the handover of Treasurer duties had been completed with the help of prior Treasurer Simone Gomes, and that he was looking forward to training on PDC reporting procedures with Sharon and Al in the next month.

County Committeeperson Rose Andrews announced that the first business meeting of the Snohomish County Democratic Party would be the following week, on Tuesday, January 22nd, starting 7:00 PM, at the Everett Labor Temple.

State Committeeperson Simone Gomes announced that the first business meeting of the Washington State Democratic Party would be held on the weekend of January 25-27. Sharon resolved to forward the registration email from the state party so that interested members could register to attend.

First Vice Chair Al Apodaca reminded members to please pay their annual membership dues for 2019.

The Second Vice Chair, Secretary, and other committeepeople had nothing to report at this time.

There was a motion to adjourn, which was seconded. There was no debate. The motion was voted on and not passed.

Good of the Order

Roger Pence asks where the organization’s recently purchased credentials with lanyards are. He is reassured by Sharon that she has them, and they will be brought to future meetings.

Willie Russell makes the members aware of the upcoming “Point in Time” (PIT) count of people living unsheltered in Snohomish County, and he suggests that members volunteer to help count. This one day count will be carried out on January 23rd. Members can contact Housing Hope or the City of Everett for more information.
An online application to volunteer with Housing Hope to help count can be found here:

There was a motion to adjourn, which was seconded. The vote on the motion was in favor, and the meeting was adjourned.