Code of Conduct Complaint Request

Please click on the link to record and send your Code of Conduct Complaint Request Form. After submitting the form, you will be contacted by a member of the 21st LD Executive Board who will … Read More

21st LD Committees

The appointed Committee Chairs and proposed volunteers are listed below.Contact the chair to join or change committees, or contact   Email DIVERSITY & MEMBERSHIP Darla Varrenti – Committee Chair Al Apodaca  – Comm. Vice Chair, EB David Chan Joel Ware IV Denisa Ruxandar Simone Gomes … Read More

Posting to the Website

This website has been designed to empower its members to publish content to our website. Posting information to the website is as easy as writing an email and this quick article will help you learn … Read More

Creating a New Committee Page

Committee pages require a number of steps to completely configure: Pre-requisites Posts Setup Create 3 post categories Reports Slug: committees-reports-[CommitteeName] Members Slug: committees-members-[CommitteeName] Announcements Slug: committees-announcements-[CommitteeName] Create a welcome post and categorize as announcement Calendar … Read More